Warrior!reader x Sesshomaru

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You stood up from your kneeled position with your head bowed before your lord and mate. Lord Sesshomaru.

All of the Knights and warriors left as you and your lord were the only people left in the throne room. You then sighed before looking up towards your mate with a soft smile compared to the harsh emotionless expression you had put on moments before.

Sesshomaru took off his emotionless facade before giving a small smile before opening his arm's to you. You smiled before running into them with a giggle.

"I missed you my lord" you said into his chest. He smiled before saying "and I you my queen".

He leaned down intending to give you a long, passionate kiss before you hissed in pain by accident and he stopped with a look of worry.

You cursed under your breath before looking up at him with a small weak smile "it's nothing. I'm fine".

He still looked worried and looked at you sternly "(Y/N) are you hurt?" You didn't answer and he then turned you around and noticed a blood stain on your armor.

You turned back around and said "I said I'm fine".

Sesshomaru looked at you sternly "No you are not. I'll take you to the infirmary and..."

The rest is a blur as you fell into darkness.

The last thing you saw was your love's worried face and his call "(Y/N)!"

Inuyasha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now