Jaken x human!reader

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Jaken had once again lost his beloved lord Sesshomaru and was roaming the assumed western land's in search of his loss lord.

"My lord! It is your most humble servant Jaken, I beseech you! Please answer my pleading call for guidance to your sanctuary!" He cried into the afternoon sky.

His spirit deflated upon hearing nothing in return to his cries, he poked his staff into the ground in depression as he sat on a log in a small campsite he built.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He jumped and took his staff of two heads and pointed it at the patches of twigs and grass....and leaves.

Jaken started shaking "M-my l-lord?" He asked quietly stuttering obviously frightened.

That's when a shorter thenchis lord but taller then him figure came from the bushes. The figure was battered gravely and looked as if he could barely stand.

Jaken backed away slightly his twin headed staff in front of his form, however he stopped.

The figure looked up at the cowering toad "p - please h - help me..", then the figure fell to the ground in a bloody heap.

Jaken was to shocked and frightened to move and then walked over to the fallen person cautiously, he winced slightly at the wounds inflicted.

He however scoffed in disgust upon noticing one detail....this person is a human. Jaken got ready to walk away from the soon to be corpse.

He however heard a rather feminine groan and then he groaned. It was a woman.

All nobles were taught to teach a woman in loyalty and never mistreat or bad things will come to you. Jaken walked back to the female human.

He nudged the body softly and she swatted his staff alarming him.

He then noticed the face was being covered by her (h/c) locks. He stuck his staff out ready to see the horrifying face he always expected on humans.

He however did not expect the rare beauty that fell upon him when his eye's took in the radiance that surrounded your beauty that matched no other.

He put down his staff in surprise all the while blushing slightly.

He inched close in order to touch your beautiful skin, for a moment he had forgotten his hatred and malice towards the beings he called monstrosities, for a moment he forgot you were the creature he despised, for a moment he had forgotten you were a ...



Jaken jumped up upon hearing his name being called and turned with his staff in hand to see his young master "Sesshomaru - Sama !"

Sesshomaru being the young fourteen year old prince he was smiled at his small servant and said "I thought you hated humans?!"

Jaken blushed and sputtered "i-i do....do not misinform my hatred for...for...".

Sesshomaru had walked passed his servant and picked up the injured human "M-my lord you should not dirty your royal
Garments for a lowly human".

Although, jaken didn't mean it he didn't want to set a wrong example for the young prince who will soon grow to be feared and loved by his many people.

Sesshomaru smirked and said "this is no low human, I met her a while back. She's a princess! She helped me beat some demons, and I see you have taken a liking".
Sesshomaru teased his servant joyously.

Jaken sputtered and blushed like crazy shouting incoherent words before being quiet.

"W-what is her n-name?" He asked suddenly.

"Her name is (y/n) (l/n)".

Jaken looked up at your peaceful face shyly before smiling softly and Sesshomaru started walking "let's take her home".

Jaken nodded and followed his master.

"Stop staring, jaken"

"I have done no such thing!"

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