inuyasha x reader (3)

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You stalked through the forest. Your hands clenched at your sides, you could already feel the blood running between your nails as you punctured skin. Once you felt you were far enough from the site you cried out in anger and swung with all of your pent up ferocity at an innocent by standing tree.

It fell in a heap it's trunk in splinters. You sniffle and looked away from your fallen tears in disgust at your weakness "even after all this time. That idiot still affects me" you sighed to yourself.

"Pathetic." You murmured "this was why he didn't choose you. Kikyo was more calculated, prettier, pure, a warrior, even loved." You winced at the last part thinking back to your family. Then, you turned bitter "then he picked the same girl. Once more over you. Kagome. The futuristic girl, the cry baby of the group, the violent yet weak little girl. Who seems to have stolen his heart. Even before he knew about my own".

You slowly sank down on to the next tree losing your will to stand. You knew any demon could just attack you without any thing to stop them but, did it matter anymore? The man you've loved for decades has lost interest in you entirely and fell in love with the same woman twice.

You sighed and brought your knees up to your chest before you hear a rustle in the trees. Despite your previous thoughts, reflexes caused you to jump up with your weapon drawn towards the source of the noise.

You calmed once you saw the familiar fire rat cloth in the shadows "what now inuyasha" you asked as you sheathed your weapon carefully.

Inuyasha came from the shadows with a soft look on his face causing you to look at him in mild surprise. What was his problem? He couldn't have possibly....heard you? Could he?

Inuyasha was silent for a while as where you feeling no need to start talking. He however did.

He stepped towards you "why didn't you tell me?" He asked suddenly his voice soft for once.

Your eye's narrowed and you frowned "because I wanted you to remember on your own. Not tell you and have your dumb ass thinking I lied to you for meager reasons" you answered looking away from him.

You expected him to yell at you. You actually wanted him to yell at you. Not look at you with this sad expression on his face as if he's just woken up from his slumber to realize everything was a lie. But, no. He came over and wrapped his arm's around you tightly.

You stood frozen and in shock "I'm so sorry (y/n). I didn't mean to leave you that day. I was just...I..." he didn't finish he didn't need to.

You started shaking holding in sobs as you struggled from his grip "liar" you hissed as you pushed at his chest "your not sorry. You never were! You left! You didn't even say goodbye! My family abandoned me because I still believed in you! So let go! Let go of me!"You screamed at him as you struggled tears pouring from your eye's.

Inuyasha held on to you tighter and then yelled "Listen me!" You froze looking up at him tears still running rapid "when I woke from that tree. The first thing I thought about was you. But, when kaede told me I was asleep to long...i...I thought you were dead. But, then..." he brushed your cheek softly with his thumb wiping a tear with a small watery smile.

"I-i saw you." He said continuing "I thought you were a reincarnation and I was just so angry. I-i didn't mean to treat you the way I did. I didn't know. I didn't realize until now...that your..." he gave a small chuckle sniffling alittle.

"...your really alive. Your really here. I thought I had lost you." He caressed your tear stained cheek and smiled with tears running down slowly.

You couldn't say anything only shock as you took in ever thing as he caressed your face. Oh how you had long for this. To feel his love for you. To be the one he loved for once.

You then smiled leaning into his touch laughing slightly through your tears "your so slow" you chuckle lightly.

He smiles slightly before he tenses crushing you to his chest and whipping out tetsusaiga. You immediately stay on alert while clinging to inuyasha's fire rat as he growls into the shadows. You hear a harsh chuckle and you immediately recognize it as you and inuyasha bark out "naraku!"

The vile half demon named Naraku steps out of the shadows finally and chuckles as he hovers above in his blanket of thick miasma.

"Well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise. The hanyo's finally figured it out. This will make the games much more interesting" he said with a growing smirk.

You and inuyasha glanced at one another before inuyasha barked out "get to the fucking point! Whaddaya want you asshole!?"

Naraku only smirked "pushy pushy. You'll find out soon. Just alittle warning for you dog boy..." he began ascending his miasma enveloping his body.

"The final battle is among you. Be ready or die. Either way I win."

Inuyasha and you growl simultaneously before inuyasha raises his father's fang and yells "Wind Scar!" His attack destroys the area naraku had once been and all you both hear is the fading chuckle he left behind.

Inuyasha huff and holds you to his side tightly as he glares up at the small dot in the sky that must be naraku. Inuyasha looks back down at you and smiles half heartedly.

You smile back and say "don't worry. We're gonna kill him. He'll never win."

Inuyasha kissed your forehead softly causing you to gasp and look up at him once he moves away.

"I'll never let him hurt you" he whispers grabbing your hand.

Your eye's softened only for him and nodded "I know. I'll never be afraid...when your with me".

Inuyasha only smiled and held you to him.

You'll live your life and he'll live his. But, this time. You'll do it together.

Inuyasha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now