Sesshomaru x demon reader

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You were outside in the palace garden, you hadn't been here long. You giggled softly watching your adoptive daughter Rings squeeze the life out of Jaken. He made many gestures of protest and flailed his arm's and legs everywhere but, he'd never dare to hurt Rin. Especially with you watching.

You were leaning against the cherry blossom tree the shade shielding you from the morning rays of the sun. You were here due to the everlasting kindness of a certain demon lord of the west. You Lord Sesshomaru had found you near death after a rather violent tiger raid from the southern lords land. Ever since that fateful day, you couldn't bare to look at any other man but, the one who had saved your life.

You unfortunately we're unable to express to him how you felt, you were afraid that all he felt for you at all was companionship. You sighed slightly at the thought but, your lips still came to a soft smile. You loved Lord Sesshomaru.

Rin had just let out a squeal of delight after getting her flower crown over Jaken's head and onto his neck when Rin was grabbed up by a guard from the front gates.

You gasped springing to your feet about to chase after him as your eye's bled red. However, Jaken seemed completely flustered and terrified as he looked back at you yanking on your dress slightly.

"WHERE IS HE TAKING HER?!" You yelled down at the toad picking him up by the collar of his robes.

He shook slightly and he opened his mouth to reply when he looked behind you and paled or grew lighter green. Then, there was a shadow towering over your smaller stature and that's when you knew.

You let Jaken go and he scrambled to his feet with a short bow and stumbled off. There was only one person that could make Jaken cower pathetically like that and only one person he was truly afraid of.

"Sessho..." you whispered and gasped alittle as his arm's wrapped around your waist from behind and pulled you into his lean, muscular body.

His head buried into the side of your neck his lips already sending shivers down your back.

"This Sesshomaru is unable to hold himself back from your radiance any longer..." he spun you around to face him letting you go smoothly before pulling you back harder "...words can't express how just your sweet voice carries my soul past the heaven's with a single utter" he brought your right hand to his lips brushing his canines against your skin slightly. You couldn't speak nor breath, your face red as the ripest cherry.

He then leaned down his hand's now caressing each side of your face "Be mine (y/n). I need you. NOW." He stated not an ounce of deceit shown anywhere in his eye's, his heart, his movements.

You opened your mouth to speak but, you couldn't find your voice as you began to become lost in his constant gaze. His hand then glided down to your back side pulling you into him, his eye's flashing from gold to red in seconds.

His eyes seemed slightly saddened and hurt by your hesitation before you took his hand in your own and closing your eye's you placed as sweet kiss on his palm "I'd want nothing more then to be your's till the end of time" you said.

You could feel his hand wrap around your own and you opened your eyes to see his lips curling up slightly it was small but, he never looked more handsome.

And then without warning he swooped you up into his arm's swiftly and his lips collided with your's before you could even gasp. You smiled into the kiss a tear dripping down the side of your cheek but, he wasted no time in wiping it away and pulling you closer.

That's when you felt the budge on your thigh, your eye's widened as you wiggled slightly and noticed it was from Sesshomaru. You pulled away slightly away and you blushed, he only smirked his eye's gleaming mischievously "Mating season starts now" he said before you were Sudeenly up the palace stairs, down the hall, and in his room.

He lay you on the bed and gently began moving his hand up your now exposed thigh. You pulled him down with a smile before your lips met and you enjoyed the first night of courting. You were now the soon to be of the Lord Sesshomaru of the western lands.

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