The Birth Of An Alchemist

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People say in a legend long ago, there was a beautiful maiden who was saved by a very handsome prince. But what did the prince save her from? A dragon? A criminal? No one knows. In a small house, along a riverbed, a wife and her husband stared at the baby laying in a small red basket. An orange blanket was draped over him as he smiled at his parents. The mother stared at her child with affection. She had no idea what type of person her baby would grow up to be, but she loved him either way. "Good morning Ed." She laughed softly, stroking his head lovingly. His father smiled softly at his son. "Welcome home Edward." He greeted happily. It was a perfect family that Edward had. But soon, that was all going to change.

The Prince And Alchemist (A RoyEd Cinderella AU) Where stories live. Discover now