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Before me sat a group of people in a circle; very stereotypical. Like as if they were from one of those books about friends with benefits.

They were wearing sweaters and leather jackets over them with beanies and glasses and stuff. Might as well hand them cigarettes, chewing gum, and coffee and, hell, give them John Green books to love and James Patterson ones to hate.

Those were the type of people they looked like.
And I was okay with it.
Although, I like James Pattersons' books. But whatever.

"Phil, this is the gang," Dan started, dramatically. "Joe and Zoe, they're siblings, uh, P.J., Chris, Emma, but we call her B.B. sometimes for Black Berry, like her last name," Dan spoke quickly. "This is Casper, and this guy, Tyler comes around, but he has his own friends."

The group laughs and shrugs.

The names just drifted off.
Through one ear and out the other.
They were hipsters.
I mean, so was I, but I own real glasses and actually like reading.

Shuffling of footsteps across the grass made everybody turn towards me, but I didn't turn around.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped, slightly.

"Who's the new kid?" A new voice said. I turned around to find a girl and a boy beside each other.


"This is Phil. He's very new; my roommate." Dan introduced me. I smiled and held my hand out.

"Hi." I said.

She just looked at me, up and down and did a lopsided smile.

"Phil, this is Connor and Y/N." Dan patted my back.

"Sup." Connor smiled. His teeth were bright and wide.

The girl lifted her hand with a peace sign.
I snickered at that.
She smiled.

"So!" Dan clasped his hands together, "What's up? Why'd we come together?"

"Well, first of all, Daniel, we heard you got an unknown roommate so we knew you'd bring 'em." The one motioned as Emma stated.
Her hair was purple. Like, magenta-purple. It was to her shoulders and a fringe swooped over her forehead.
"Also, I've been thinkin', I might cut it."

"Cut what?" Dan asked.

Emma grabbed the ends of her hair and smoothed them out with her index and middle finger. "This mane."

"Ahh." Dan sighed, nodding his head.

"You're going to cut it even shorter than it already is?" Connor questioned as he sat down on the grass.

"Yeah, like a pixie-cut, ya' know?"

Emma spoke really quick and had an accent with it, making her vocabulary sound... different.

"I think it'll look nice on you." The girl shrugged. I turned to her and back at Dan, seeing him nod slightly.

My hands became clammy as Dan sat down, along with Connor and the girl I've been staring at. I didn't want to be the weird one who's just standing, so I sat down beside my roommate. Suddenly, the girl who had tapped my shoulder scooted closer to me and I smiled.
She was prettier up close.

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