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"How much does weed normally cost?" Tyler asked. Someone he had just met was offering a joint to him, and he took it.

"I don't know. Depends who you buy it from," the stranger shrugged. We all watched Tyler in anticipation as he held the toxic stick between his thumb and index. He leaned the substance towards his mouth and stopped to look at us back, wide eyed.

"Why are you all staring at me?" He laughed so loudly that it over powered the music playing from the speakers. He adjusted his seating on the metal benches and placed the wooden-looking log between his lips. I watched his chest rise as he inhaled and exhaled quickly after to cough up tobacco.

"Awe, Tyler," Connor cooed. "You okay?"

I felt something—or someone—push against my shoulder and found it was her. She seemed to have felt bad for our friend. I can tell she was worried about him.

"Ty, you didn't have to," she said, reaching her hand out for his. He took it and passed the cancer stick back to its original owner. He coughed again, turning away.

"Never again."

I noticed how relieved she had looked when Tyler promised he wouldn't try weed again. The guy who had asked him if he wanted to try had ginger hair that was messily cut into a quiff. We couldn't tell if this guy had pressured Tyler into trying it, but we wanted him to leave immediately.

Someone from afar had called for him and he left with a wave goodbye. Shane was his name. Hopefully, we'd never see him again.

"I think I can speak for us all when I say he made me fairly uncomfortable," Connor said, looking around at us. We nodded, drinking our drinks.

She hasn't moved from leaning on my arm and I pray that she doesn't. I felt different. Happy? I'm always happy. Luck? The word might've been lucky. I felt lucky to have such a girl near me.

I think I'm going crazy. Honestly, going insane.

A week. It's been a week. And I'm obsessed.

"Lester," someone called my name. I turned my head quickly towards Dan, Connor, and Tyler. "You okay?" Connor laughed.

"Yeah." I was quiet. "Why?"

"You're eyes seemed to be... glued."

I felt my pale face redden. I gulped, "really?" They all nodded. "Wha'do you think?"

"I think you two are cute," Daniel smiled. I turned to her, now laying on my lap. I moved my hand over her arm to secure her. She was asleep.

I turned to Dan and held my hand out toward the blanket he wore. He knew what I wanted. He unwrapped it from himself and passed it to me. I unfolded it and placed it on her body.

I hope she's warm.

"When are you guys heading back to the dorms?" Tyler asked, drinking his last sip of beer from the bottle he had. I looked down at her sleeping on my lap and back up at Dan. I shrugged. He shrugged back and looked toward Tyler.

"We don't know. What's going on with class tomorrow?"

"I don't think it's too important," Connor shrugged, too. "I can take her, if you want." He nodded his head toward the girl on my lap.

"No, I've got it." I didn't hesitate to reject his offer. I might've even said it too quickly.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Dan nods. "She can rest at our room."

"How are you guys gonna bring her?" Tyler questioned. I didn't think about that.

Our eyes transferred towards her and us. "We can carry her," Dan offered. I almost agreed immediately after the words escaped his lips. I can hold her without it being... odd. I can actually hold her in my arms with love and trust, letting her know that yes, I refuse to drop you and hurt you. Because you deserve best.

But I don't know; am I best? I'd hope so.

"Are you guys leaving now?"

"Does she usually attend all her classes," Dan asked. He took another swig of beer before finishing it.

"I know she skips the lectures," I added. One of the only things I knew about her. Was it important? It was in this situation.

"We should probably head right now then." Dan stood and walked around me and stood at her feet. I didn't want to wake her. Is she a heavy sleeper? Did the alcohol just make her tired? I didn't know what was best and I didn't want her to wake up freaked out.

I ended up being the one to carry her, just as I imagined. The only weight I felt was the weight of pressure to not drop her.
I held her with my right arm under her bent knees and my left supporting her back. I felt her snuggle into my chest and I blushed furiously. My pale skin doesn't hide my feelings very well, and I was embarrassed about it. But not now. Because she wasn't awake to see it.

I was slightly relieved when I found that Connor and Tyler decided not to follow and that we'll all meet up at Starbucks tomorrow and discuss what we remember and what happened.

I didn't drink much. It felt more casual than partying crazy. Someone did pull out weed, so I can check that off my list of how college parties are supposed to be; according to literally everything.

The cliché had occurred as Dan made me place her into my bed.
"Come on, you wuss, just let her sleep with you." I glared at him, still holding her in my arms. He rolled his eyes, "non-sexually, of course."

"But-... you know her better. You guys are closer, it won't be as weird if she wakes up beside you."

"Because waking up really close, next to your gay friend, isn't weird."

"It's weird because she'll wake up confused!"

"Of course she'll wake up confused, the least we can do is have her wake up confused next to a guy who actually is attracted to her!"

We whisper-shouted at each other for almost a solid 15 to 20 minutes. I gave up. Honestly, both of our arguments were stupid and meant nothing. I just didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

I softly put her down, out of my arms, and onto the small bed provided. I barely had room for me. I guess it was worth it, this might've been the closest I've ever been to her.

I slid her under the duvet I had and scooted closer to her. She felt cold, and I kept telling myself that this was to keep her warm.
Body contact can warm up both+ people.

I haven't realized how tired I actually was, as I completely forgot to change out of my clothes. I ignored it. It'd be proof to assure her that we didn't hook up and my clothes are safely and securely on my body and nowhere else.

And like a light that has been on for a long time, I was switched off and faded from light to nothing within seconds.
I was asleep.

Innocent Lester | p.l.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora