Chapter:7 Drama

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Anthony POV
Wow what a great party my ex,Ian's ex, and lasercorn. I told Ian that we should stay away from Kalel and Melanie the whole night and he agreed with me.Later on that night everyone left but the smosh games guys Melanie and Kalel.
Everyone but Ian and I were drunk.
Mari is a crazy fan girl when she's drunk.Sohinki is quiet,Joven is really talkative and lasercorn is violent and rude but also weirdly romantic.Kalel is touchy and loving and by touchy I mean she can get every secret out of you then forgets after a hangover. Melanie just gets really flirty and Flitz is also talkative.Wes is very chill and calm.Since it was Mari's birthday we let her pick what she wants to do.Of course like any fan girl she wants to play truth or dare.She gets to pick first.
Mari:Joven truth or dare!
Joven:Well knowing Mari I'll pick truth.
Mari:You're no fun...who would you kiss out of all of us?
Joven:...Sounds weird but Melanie.
Ian whispers:she's not a good kisser.
I try not to laugh then everyone one is looking Ian and I.
Joven:Ian truth or dare!
Joven:Who would you kiss out of all us?
Melanie:Probably Anthony.
Everyone starts to laugh.Ian looks down and I see him start to blush.Then he looks up still blushing but with a angry face.
Lasercorn:Calm down girls you're both pretty.
Ian: I dare you to put your hand in the toilet.
Melanie:Come on! I am not doing that!
Ian:You have no choice!
Melanie:Someone tell Ian I don't have to do that!
Mari:How about you two kiss!
Ian:HELL NO!!!
Anthony:You know what how about Ian picks someone else.
Joven:Good idea.
Ian:Kalel truth or dare?
Ian:Do you still like Anthony?
Melanie:why would you care.
Kalel: I'll answer if you tell me why you want to know.
Ian: I want to know since you cheated so that means you probably don't like him.
Kalel:Actually I still like Anthony and was heartbroken when he left me.
Anthony: I was heartbroken when you cheated.
Kalel:Anthony truth or dare!
Kalel: I dare you to kiss me.
I kissed Kalel and I could tell Ian was sad and angry.
Anthony:Mari truth or dare!
Anthony: I dare you to kiss Sohinki!
Mari kissed Sohinki and Sohinki started to blush.
Mari:Ian truth or dare.
I could tell Ian wants Mari to dare him to kiss me.
Mari:I dare you to kiss lasercorn!
I got angry and everyone could tell I was angry.Lasercorn just smiled.
Lasercorn got up and walked toward Ian then they kissed.As Ian tried to pull away lasercorn just kept kissing.
Joven:Somebody likes Ian.
Melanie:He's not even that good of a kisser.
Then lasercorn finally lets go.
Ian:Anthony truth or dare.
Ian winks at me.Then he jumps at me and kisses me passionately.We're basically making out on Mari's floor.
Joven:Well Ian loves his Anthony.
Ian:You guys won't remember this tomorrow.

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