Chapter 19:Dinner

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Ian's POV
I wake up because I had a nightmare.I was sweating and was really scared.I dreamed that my mom wouldn't let Anthony and I be together so Anthony left me and got back with Kalel. I look to see if Anthony was still sleeping,he was.Then he woke up.

Anthony:Ian,are you ok?
Anthony:Ian you're crying you're not alright what happened.
Ian: I had a nightmare.
Anthony:It's alright I'm here if you need to cry.

I hugged Anthony and cried in his shoulder.His shoulder was wet because of my tears.

Anthony:You're going to be alright.
Ian:Thank you for always being there for me.
Anthony:Of course.

Time skip.

Anthony's POV
Ian and I were in the car on our way to Ian's parents house.I'm kinda scared but can't wait to get this wait off my shoulders.Well we're finally here.

Anthony:Are you ready?
Ian:As ready as I can be.
Anthony:It's going to be alright we're just telling your parents not your whole family.
Ian:Yeah well let's go.

We kissed then got out the car.We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Mr.Hecox:Hey guys come on in.

We walked in and looked around most of Ian's family was there.They were on the couch like it was Ian's intervention.

Ian:What's going on Anthony told me we were having dinner.
Ms.Hecox:Well your dad and I were going to talk about you not calling but I saw Mari at the grocery store and she told us you were cutting your self.
Ian:What else did she say?
Ms.Hecox:That's it and we want to help you.
Anthony:He's not cutting his skin any more.
Ms.Hecox:You knew about this and didn't tell us?
Ian:He just found out and I told him not to tell.
Ms.Hecox:Well why did you do it?
Ms.Hecox:Anthony do you know why?
Ms.Hecox:Ian we care about you sit down and talk to us.

Ian and I sat down.

Ian's sister:We care about you Ian we're your family.
Ian:Well I started cutting myself because I was in love with someone and that person had a partner.I've loved that person for a long time but was scared to tell that person.So since I was depressed since that person was getting married so I cut myself.
Ms.Hecox:Well are you still cutting yourself?
Ian:No because that person broke up with their ex and is known with me.
Ian's sister:What's her name?
Ian:Well his name is...
Ms.Hecox:It's a boy!

Ms.Hecox was angry!

Ms.Hecox:Don't you think it's weird your friend is gay and and you're straight?
Anthony:Know because I'm bisexual.
Ian:I'm also bisexual like my boyfriend.
Ian's sister:Wait is Anthony your boyfriend?
Ian:Yes and I love him a lot.
Anthony:And I love Ian a lot.

I kissed Ian right in front of his parents so passionately so they can know how much I love him.

Ian's teenage cousin:Eww!two guys kissing.
Ian:I know all of you guys don't like us being together but I love Anthony and always will!
Ms.Hecox:You were cutting yourself for Anthony?
Ian:Yes because I've loved him for a long time.
Anthony:So are we still having dinner?

I'm so glad Ian finally told his family like whole family.But right now I'm hungry are we going to eat?

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