Chapter 29:Don't do it

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Ian's POV

I left the game bang and got into my car and drove off.I was going to the smosh house the house that I have so many memories there and it's a great place to end it all...

Anthony's POV

I can't believe this.Ian is suicidal and he's going to die ( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)it's all my fault. I fell on the ground and cried and cried and cried.It's all my fault I was being stupid and I deserved to die in a ditch.Why did I kiss Miel she's not even as good as Ian at kissing and why did I yell at Ian he was right he was the only loyal one in the relationship and I ruined everything.I had sex with my ex and Ian never talked about his ex and Ian told me Miel use to like me but I didn't listen...HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!?!?Now I basically killed Ian even though he's still alive.Jeez I need to stop him and stop crying!

Anthony:I'm leaving.
Miel:Then I'm coming with!
Anthony:No.Ian never liked you and I know why now.If anyone else wants to come you better follow me also's over.

I started running to my car and after Ian and decided to go to the smosh house because he loves that place and he's obviously there.

Ian's POV

I wrote a suicide note and put it on the toilet.I find my razor,pills to over dose on and I turn on the water in the bathtub. I cut Anthony on my chest and poor a good amount of pills in my hand and drop them in my mouth while looking at myself in the bath water and say my final word...

Ian:I'll always love you Anthony Padilla...

Anthony's POV

We made it to the smosh house and I looked in the bathroom and started crying.I had everyone call the ambulance and I saw a note labeled "Ian's suicide note"so I read it.

                 Ian's suicide note
Dear Anthony,
     You and I knew it was my time to go.You don't like me Pamela never liked me and all the smosh fans hate me.I'm gone but I would like you to continue smosh.It doesn't need me in it all the girls love you I'm just the fat ugly stupid one.I forgive you for cheating I know you meant well so be happy with Miel as teenagers we always knew you to would end up together.Also make sure Pamela stays out of your life forever.She was very abusive and doesn't actually care about any one.The scar she scratched me go ahead and look at it.Also I started cutting again even though I knew you didn't want me too but I couldn't help it I missed you and still love you and I always will.Bye world and bye my gummy worm Anthony Padilla.

The ambulance took Ian to the hospital and we followed.And they made us wait out side but I just cried and held his note.

Lasercorn:So what is that in your hand.
Anthony:It's Ian's suicide note.

We were all crying while we waited and waited for the doctor.All I could think about was looking at Ian's face it was sad.Anthony carved into his chest and it made me sad I couldn't stop crying.Finally the doctor came out.

Doctor:So we have news on Mr.Hecox!
Anthony:What is it?
Doctor:He survived and is still alive!
Anthony:Thank god!

We went to his room to see him.

Anthony:Hi Ian I'm so glad to see you!
Pamela:Hey babe I'm-

Ian cut Pamela off


The doctor made Pamela leave.

Lasercorn:Hi Ian I'm so glad to see you!
Mari:Yeah me too!
Sohinki:And we are happy you're alright.
Jovenshire:Yeah we would extremely miss you if you died.
Ian:Thanks guys I'm not as happy as you guy but.
Anthony:What's wrong.
Ian:I'm alive that's what's wrong.
Anthony:Ian don't say that.It was not your time to leave I couldn't live without you and I realized how much of a douche I was and I'm so sorry.I didn't love Miel as much as I love you and I hate myself for cheating I really do and I'm sorry.
Ian:YOU JUST EXPECT ME TO SAY IT'S OK BECAUSE ITS NOT!YOU HURT ME YOU MADE MY SAD EVERY DAY WE WEREN'T TOGETHER AND YOU WERE THE REASON I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF AND THE REASON I'M STILL ALIVE!You've hurt me enough so stop apologizing and stop doing things for me.If I wanted to stay alive I wouldn't not tried to die so stop.
Lasercorn:Ian are you still going to try to commit suicide.
Ian:If I try you guys will call the ambulance.
Jovenshire:Ian are you ok?
Ian:Oh I don't know joven I mean I was drowning,over dosed on pills and I have a giant scar on my chest and check.What do you think Jovenshire?
Jovenshire:Sorry Ian.
Mari:Ian you should call down.
Ian:And you should SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Sohinki:Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!
Ian:Girlfriend are terrible they're either extremely attached to you because they're really a fan girl or extremely abusive because they think you're rich and they need everything.
Anthony:What happened to the old Ian that everyone loved?
Ian:You killed him when you broke up with me!

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