Chapter8:I said stop Ian!

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Ian's POV
I stormed out into the bathroom.Anthony and lasercorn yelling made me angry.Now I know Lasercorn likes me. I am so angry!
Anthony told me to stop cutting my self by I can't. I'm fat,ugly,and I don't know why Anthony or Lasercorn loves me.Lasercorn was the first person I told that I loved Anthony and he was really nice and supportive but I knew he was angry.Not only because he hates Anthony but also because he likes...loves me.

Anthony's POV
Anthony:Just great Ian is angry.
Lasercorn:It's your fault.
Joven:Can you two stop it!
Sohinki:Yeah you two have to get along.
Lasercorn:Why do we have to be friends?
Sohinki:You two are Ian's best friends and now he's angry because of you two fighting.
Mari:Where did Ian go anyway?
Anthony:Oh no he better not be in the bathroom.
Sohinki:The bathroom?
I run to the bathroom but the door is locked.
Anthony:Ian let me in!
Lasercorn:No let me in!
Ian:Both of you LEAVE!
Anthony:I'm not going anywhere!
Lasercorn:Ian I love you let me in!
Ian:Anthony I'm sorry.
Anthony:What do you mean?
Ian: I hurt you so much.
Ian:I'm still cutting my self.
Ian:Because it hurt me seeing you yell at Lasercorn.
Anthony:But why do you keep doing it.
Ian:Because I'm a big fat fuck up that you have to deal with.
Anthony: I love you so much and you're my boyfriend I love being around you and I don't think you're fat.
Anthony:Please come out.
Ian walked out and I saw him.He put his shirt back on so I couldn't see the scars.
Ian: I'm sorry Anthony.
Anthony:Don't be sorry just don't do it again.
Ian:Ok I love you so much Anthony Padilla.
Anthony: I love you more Ian Hecox.
Joven:Is it real?
Ian:We've been together for almost a week now!
Anthony: I love Ian!
Ian:And I love Anthony!
Mari:OMG YESSS!!!!!!!!
Sohinki:Wow that's awesome!
Joven: I'm proud of you guys.
Lasercorn:Well I guess I'm happy for Ian.
Mari:There's something I should say too.Sohinki and I have been dating...For months now.
Joven:Every ship is becoming real.
Ian:Not iancorn.
Mari:So Ian what were you doing in the bathroom?
Ian:Well I can't say.
Joven:Why every secret is coming out.
Ian:If you say a secret.
Joven:Well I have a girlfriend.
Ian:Really what's her name?
Ian:Well...I was cutting my self.
Mari:No why?
Ian:Because of Anthony.
Anthony:I told him to stop.
Mari: I feel bad for asking.
Joven: I feel bad for making him say it.
Mari:Flits you have a secret?
Flits:Well...I don't know.
Ian:Come on everyone has a secret.
Flits:Well I have a fear of spiders.
Mari:What about you Wes?
Wes: I'm really scared of dogs.
Ian:I'm really scared of proposing.
Ian:If I had a girlfriend she would have to propose same as a boyfriend.
Anthony: I'm scared if I propose that they'll cheat.
Mari:That's crazy.
Joven:Wow you two aren't getting married.
Sohinki:Anthony has an excuse but why are you scared Ian?
Ian:I don't know I'm not the romantic one.
Anthony:I think you're romantic.
Ian:Says the one who always surprises with breakfast and presents.
Anthony:You're the best cuddler ever.
Ian starts to blush.
Mari:There's Ian's famous blush.

Well hope you are enjoying the story so far.

•_•SwEEtiEpiE •_•

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