Chapter 23:Um...Doesn't look you

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A/N:Like I said it's only been like two three one? months but Kalel is going to have her baby soon.

Anthony's POV

Ian and I were at Kalel's house making sure her and the baby were ok.

Kalel:Hey Ant can you get my water out of the fridge?
Ian(whispers):he doesn't like being called Ant.
Kalel:Ian you're bad at whispering.
Ian:Well at least I can keep my thoughts to myself.
Anthony:Let's not fight how about that.
Ian and Kalel:Of course Anthony!

Ian and Kalel looked at each other angrily.Maybe I should of made Ian stay home but he insisted.

Anthony:So Kalel how's the baby.
Kalel:She's (A/N I decided it was a girl while watching the Rugrats movie)kicking want to feel...I guess you can to Ian.
Ian and Anthony:Sure!

We felt but Kalel doesn't look well.

Ian:Keep kicking it hurts your mommy!

Just then Kalel's water broke.

Anthony:Oh shit!
Ian:We have to hurry to the hospital get Kalel's boyfriend.
Anthony:ALEC!!! (A/N that's her bfs real name if you don't know much about her anymore tbh I had to google it.)
Anthony:Kalel and Ian are in the car since Kalel's what broke.
Alec:Let's go to the car.

We ran to the car and I thought how does Alec feel about her having her ex's baby.Then we arrived at the hospital.

Three crazy loud emotional minutes later.

Ian:Um...she's cute but doesn't look like Anthony.
Dr.Johnson:Would the dad like to cut the umbilical cord.
Anthony:Me or Alec?
Kalel:He said the dad so...Anthony?
Ian(whispers):Doesn't look like Alec either.
Kalel:You should ask Anthony to teach you how to whisper he was good at it during sex.
Ian:Well at least I can have sex with him whenever I want.

Then the doctor came back to the room

Dr.Johnson:So what are you going to name her.

I looked at Kalel I wanted to name her after Ian something like Iana (idk)and Kalel said her name should be Angelica from the Rugrats (A/N see!) and she was serious and it seemed cute so that's her name.

Ian:Like the Rugrats?
Anthony:Well Ian and I are going home.
Kalel:Ok bye ant and bye Ian.

We got home and Sat down then Ian kissed.

Ian: I know that baby isn't yours.
Ian:Yeah he looks nothing like you.
Anthony:You mean she.
Ian: I know it's a girl she's beautiful I said he because you're not her he father.
Anthony:That makes no sense!
Ian(giggling):I know!
Anthony (giggling):I love you so much,and that isn't a joke!

A/N:hoped you enjoyed this chapter!Sorry I took so long to update but hey I'm a junior now! I also play sports so I've been busy helping my volleyball team win the championship...well we didn't but we were close!(also I'm not lying I'm a nerdy fan girl that plays sports) Also I'm a honor student and I had to make sure I had all of my community service hours.And congrats to Ian and Anthony or should I say Hal and bubbles! I haven't seen that movie yet but I will soon!Love y'all!


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