Chapter 28:Game bang 3

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A/N:I'm trying to update a lot more because y'all deserve it (>‿◠)✌🏼️
Also shoutout to Glader_4lyfe  for voting on the last chapter!Now to the story!

Ian's POV

Today we're shooting a game bang video and so far this will be the first time I'll see Anthony since we broke up and Pamela insisted on coming with so she can meet my friends but really she just follows me around so I don't leave her.

Pamela:I'm ready to go!
Ian:Ok are you really coming with?
Pamela:Yeah why wouldn't I?
Ian:It's just we go every where together.
Pamela:Is there a problem!?
Ian:No!No no.
Pamela: I thought so.
Ian(whispers):you're such a bitch.

Pamela slapped me and I was used to it but probably by accident she left a scar like a bad one.I was bleeding.

Pamela:I'm not a bitch you're my bitch now so don't tell anyone I did that.
Ian:I hate you I really do.
Pamela:Aww look Ian's crying.What would Anthony say you're cute when you're mad.
Pamela:Oh come on he cheated twice!He never loved you he just made sure that you wouldn't die from cutting yourself because if you died Anthony knows smosh isn't the same without you.
Pamela:Oh what are you gonna do hit a girl!You don't have the guts.
Ian:Fine let me put a bandaid on and let's go.

Finally we arrived at the game bang and I saw Anthony with Miel.I was trying not to cry even though Anthony was really mean when we broke up but he's the only one I love.

Lasercorn:So Ian this is your girlfriend.
Ian:Uh...Yeah yeah sure.
Mari:Well nice to meet you Pamela!
Sohinki:Yeah welcome to the smosh family!
Jovenshire:Not to be rude but what happened to your face?

I looked over at Pamela and didn't answer

Jovenshire:It's ok if you don't want to say.
Miel:But we all care.
Anthony:Yeah Ian I mean that's a big bandaid who hit you the fan-

I cut Anthony off.

Ian:Just shut up Anthony!I don't want to talk about it!
Anthony:Jeez I'm sorry.
Ian:I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom.
Anthony:You can't be trusted alone in the bathroom.
Ian:Fine,Pamela come with me.

We walked to the bathroom and when I shut the door she slapped me again.

Pamela:What were you thinking.
Ian:I didn't say you did it did I.
Pamela:Yeah but-

I just walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to lasercorn.And Pamela walked out after me.

Jovenshire:Hey Ian maybe you shouldn't be in this video.
Ian:Oh I'm sorry!If it wasn't for me and Anthony smosh wouldn't exist so I'm aloud to be in this video because this is my channel.
Pamela:Maybe we should leave Ian.
Anthony:Calm down maybe you should leave.
Ian:You know Pamela was right the only reason you got with me is because you knew I would commit suicide.And now...I can!

They looked at me like I was crazy.But really I was being driven crazy from all the abuse and missing someone I really loved Anthony.So it's time I leave this cruel world.Nobody cares.The fans hate me because they think I broke up with Anthony and nobody really loves me...

A/N:Cliffhanger!(I'm so sorry)


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