Chapter 27:Lunch with Miel

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Ian's POV

I woke up early for once and decided to play video games.The volume must have been up to loud because grumpy Anthony was yelling at me while he was still in bed.

Ian:Sorry I'll turn down the volume!
Ian:Jeez he's starting to sound like me when he tries to wake me up.

I really didn't know why but I went to wake him up.

Ian:Ok crazy wake up.
Anthony:Fine pull me up.

I pulled him up and he fell on me.

Anthony:Hi there! (≖͠ ͜ʖ≖)

So we made out on the floor then continued on the bed with more action if you know what I mean ( ≖‿‿≖)!
(A/N:Oh Ian.)


Ian's POV (still)

Anthony and I were going to lunch with Miel today and I can't wait to rub our love in her ugly face!...was I too mean...I don't think so!Why am I talking to myself (◉̃_᷅◉᷅)?So then we arrived.

Anthony:Ok Ian you promise to be nice!
Ian:I promise.

Hahaha...I need help.So we finally arrived and I saw that bitch hug Anthony and she looked at me the whole time like a weirdo.

Miel:And look at you Ian how are you!
Ian:I'm great.Anthony makes me really happy.
Miel:That's great.
Anthony:Well I try.
Miel:You two are too cute!
Ian(whispers):cuter then you and Anthony would be.

Anthony kicked me but hopefully Miel heard me.So later on we ate while Miel and Anthony caught up with each other.To be honest I probably look like I haven't ate in days with how much I ate but I only had cereal for breakfast and I didn't want to talk to Miel so...I also had to go to the bathroom really bad.

Ian:Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom k?

So I walked around to find the bathroom.

Miel's POV

Finally it's just me and Anthony!That fat ass Ian is gone well for now.I wouldn't be surprised if he took along time in the bathroom because who eats a spicy bean and cheese burrito and a bacon burger with bacon and cheese fries.Not to mention that he got 5 refills of Dr.Pepper.But who cares about his most likely diarrhea all I care about is Anthony.

Miel:So is Ian also a vegan because today must have been his cheat day.
Anthony:Ha yeah Ian's not a vegan he doesn't even try vegan food he's so picky.
Miel:Well I would definitely try things you.
Anthony:Ian tries things but...

I stopped Anthony from talking because I knew Ian was near.I put my hand in Anthony's hair then kissed him and surprisingly he kissed back!?!?When we broke from the kiss I looked over and saw a crying Ian.

Anthony:OMG Ian!
Ian:What...How...How could you Anthony!

Anthony got up to talk to Ian.

Anthony:Ian I'm-
Ian:Save it Anthony I'm going home.
Ian:Bye Anthony!

I look at Anthony he was so sad.

Miel:Hey I know it's a bad time but I'm sorry I was just in the moment and...
Anthony:it's ok...who cares about Ian anyways.
Anthony:Miel do you want to go on a date or something?
Miel:Ok are you sure?
Anthony:Yeah forgot Ian.I'll see you later ok.

Ian's POV

I can't believe Anthony!First he had sex with his ex now he kisses a girl that had a crush on him!Wow just wow.Then I heard Anthony.

Ian:What to you want.
Anthony:To say its over.

I froze.I was so confused.Does he really not love me?Yeah he kissed another girl but I thought we would work things out.

Ian:Are...are you serious?
Ian:You know what I'm glad you're leaving because I deserve better than you!I was so loyal to you.All of your other relationships the girls would treat you bad but I was always there so leave I deserve better and you deserve worst...BITCH!!!
Anthony:OK BYE BITCH!!!
Ian:GET OUT!!!

Anthony left and slammed the door.I ran to the bathroom and saw a razor blade and cut an A in my arm and decided to go to the bar.When I got there I got really drunk and met a girl named Pamela Horton and she was beautiful (A/N:Pamela Horton is Ian's real girlfriend).So we talked and we hit it off and now she's my girlfriend.

Anthony's POV

So I'm on my date with Miel and I ask her to be my girlfriend!And she said yes!


Ian's POV

I've been realizing how much I miss Anthony and he was the best thing I had.Pamela is very abusive.She controls me and I have to deal with it everyday punch after punch slaps and her sharp nails but today I'm going to tell the smosh fans about me and Pamela.I might not love her but I'm good at acting.

A/N:So hopefully you enjoyed also this was a long chapter!Also it's an ianthony fan fiction so there obviously getting back together.


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