Chapter:14 Telling Anthony's dad

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Anthony's POV
I'm glad my mom was so supportive and happy now let's hope for the same from my dad.

Ian:That was actually fun!
Ian: I forgot how weird your brother is.
Anthony:Ha!he is.
Ian:So were are we going?
Anthony:My dads house.
Ian:I'm so scared.
Anthony:Me too but we can't be!
Ian:I'll try!but you'll have to do the talking.
Anthony:Fine but you have to do the talking when we tell your parents.

~time skip~

We arrived at my dads house.I am so fucking scared. I hope Ian can't tell.

Ian:Well here goes nothing.
Anthony:Or everything.

We walked in and saw my dad.

Mr.Padilla:Hey guys.
Anthony:Hi dad.

We walked in and sat down.

Mr.Padilla:So what were you going to tell me?
Anthony:First off is anyone else here?
Mr.Padilla:Yeah my girlfriend.
Mr.Padilla:Lily remember I've talked about her before.

Ian started tapping his feet on the ground.He does it when he's scared.

Mr.Padilla:Ian,are you okay?
Mr.Padilla:So Anthony what were you going to say?

Then my dads girlfriend Lily walked by.

Mr.Padilla:Lily I don't think you've met my son Anthony.
Anthony:You look way to young to be my dads girlfriend.
Lily: I'm in my 40's.
Anthony:My dad is in his 50's.
Mr.Padilla:Just tell me what you're going to say.
Anthony:Well I'm gay.
Mr.Padilla:Ian did you know this.

Ian slightly started laughing.

Anthony:Ian knows.
Mr.Padilla:What do you think about it.
Ian:Well...I'm his boyfriend.
Ian:No one was talking to you.
Lily:Dan can you believe your son is gay?
Mr.Padilla:Well not really.
Anthony:Are you homophobic Lily?
Lily:Let's just say the bible(Lily was cut of)
Ian:Why can't you be happy I love Anthony no one and I mean no one can change that!
Lily:I'm sorry girly.
Mr.Padilla:Lily just leave for a second.
Mr.Padilla:I don't think there's anything wrong with you guys being gay.
Anthony:Thanks dad.
Ian:Yeah thanks Mr.Padilla.
Mr.Padilla:You're welcome I love you and support you guys.

I'm glad my dad was happy but not happy with Lily.Now Mister and misses Hecox.

The story is going to get better ok 👍🏼.The story is at 100 reads YAY!!

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