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(A/N:First off someone dies and the only reason they die is because there not a good part of the story and of course it would make Ian and Anthony sad.Second I'm sorry it's been forever since I wrote and even worst school is starting up again and that's going to take time away from writing so I'm extremely sorry.So now let's get to the story!)

Anthony's POV

Today I plan to propose yes propose to Ian! I know we love each other and plan to be together forever. So I thought maybe we would go to the park and "walk" Donut.The only hard part is finding a good hiding spot for every one so they can come out and surprise Ian.Now I have to wait for Ian to get out of the shower.

Ian:Ok let's go on a walk!Are you ready Donut!
Anthony:Ok let's go!

We walk out side then Ian put Donut down to put his leash on but Donut ran off.He ran into the street ran over by a car.Ian and I just start crying because our little puppy basically our first baby died.I picked Donuts dead body up and we got in the car and rushed to the vet...and well Donut is dead. I had to tell everyone at the park what happened and I'm not proposing today.Poor Ian was really sad. I was too but Ian was sad.

Ian:I guess my parents are right.
Anthony:What do you mean?
Ian:They told me as a kid I couldn't get a pet because I couldn't take care of one.
Anthony:What about Daisy?
Ian:Melanie did most of the things with Daisy.
Anthony:Well you did a great job of taking care of Donut. And we did it together.Its not like you threw him into the street he just ran away.
Ian:Yeah I guess so.
Anthony:I hate seeing you so sad.

I wiped his tears and pecked his lips.

Anthony:What can I do to make you feel better?
Ian:I don't know?
Anthony:How about ice cream!
Ian:You know how to cheer me up.

Ian stared to giggle.

Anthony:There's Ian famous smile!

Ian start to blush.

Anthony:So what kind of ice cream do you want?
Ian:Mint chocolate chip!(A/N:That's my favorite so.)
Anthony:Ok I'll be back gummy bear!

We kissed then I left to get ice cream. There I saw my old friend from school Miel Bredouw.

(A/N:Miel Bredouw is Anthony's current girl friend if you didn't know)

Anthony:Hey Miel it's me Anthony remember?
Miel:Anthony Padilla?
Miel:OMG hey Anthony it's been forever!
Anthony:I know how are you!
Miel:Good how about you.
Anthony:Today started off terrible but I'm great!
Miel:Good how's Ian you to still hang out it would be a total surprise if you two didn't.
Anthony:Well actually Ian's my boyfriend now!
Miel:OMG really that's great!
Anthony:Yeah how about you any special man or woman in your life.
Miel:Nope still single.
Anthony:Well you are way to beautiful to be single.
Anthony:Well I better go.
Miel:Ok here's my number and tell Ian I said hi ok!
Anthony:You got it bye Miel!
Miel:Bye Anthony.

Time went by and finally I was home with my gummy bear.

Anthony:Guess who I saw at the store.
Anthony:Miel Bredouw from high school.
Ian:Oh I hated her.
Anthony:Really why?
Ian:Well she liked you back then and I also did.She would threaten to tell you and she hated me.
Anthony:Oh...Well I kinda told her that we would have lunch with her tomorrow.
Ian:Ian angry again.
Anthony:You're adorable.

A/N:Well hope you enjoyed.Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?


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