Chapter 21:Kalel's what!?!?

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Anthony's POV
I got out the shower and looked at my phone and saw a text from Kalel.I hope Ian didn't see it or think about it. I asked Kalel what happened last night and she told me everything. I really hope Ian can't hear us.She also told me something crazy.
Kalel:Also ant I'm pregnant.
Anthony:You can't be!
Kalel:Well I am.
Anthony:That can't be my baby!
Kalel:Anthony you're the dad no need to doubt it.
Anthony:I can't believe this I love Ian not you!
Kalel:Well you'll have to love this baby because it's yours.
Anthony:Ok just promise not to tell Ian.
Kalel: I won't tell that idiot anything about our baby.
Anthony:Don't call Ian that.
Kalel:What ever love you byeeee!

She can't be.Ian can't know anything!Just then the door opened and I saw an angry Ian.

Ian:You have some serious explaining to do.
Anthony:Ian I'm so sorry!
Ian:Save it Anthony I heard everything.
Anthony:Please don't be mad.
Ian:You have a lot of explaining to do.
Anthony:Well she got me drunk so I didn't know what was happening.
Ian:I knew you were lying yesterday I'm mad because you weren't honest and you didn't want me to know about that baby.
Ian:We all make mistakes and you made a big one.
Anthony:I'm sor...rr...y.

I began to cry. I felt so bad.

Ian:It's ok I'm here if you need to cry.

I cried into Ian's chest. I felt safe and secure with him.

Ian:I'm always here for you gummy worm.
Anthony:I know how much you hate Kalel and I'm sorry for getting her pregnant.
Ian:It's ok we'll treat this baby like it's ours.
Anthony:I know but I've always wanted to live with my kid and be with the mom or dad since I didn't have that as a kid.
Ian: I know but that shouldn't matter being with the kid should matter.
Anthony:Yeah and some day we'll be married and have kids.
Anthony:And I can't wait till that happens.

Hoped you enjoyed that and since this isn't real that baby will be born faster than real life also Anthony might or might not be the dad.Comment about something about the story.


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