Chapter:15 The double date

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Anthony's  POV
The day is almost over so Ian and I are getting dinner.

Ian:Whatcha wanna eat ant?
Anthony:Ant?Like the fanfics?
Ian:Now that I called you that I can officially say I don't like it.
Anthony:You're so funny.
Ian:So dinner.
Anthony:Actually I got a text from Sohinki inviting us on a date.
Ian:Him and Mari you and me?
Anthony:Yes Ian do you understand?
Ian:Yes I understand meany.

I can't wait for the date it's at Ian's favorite restaurant!

Ian:So where's it at.
Anthony:Sohinki and I are surprising you and Mari.
Ian:Oh I can't wait!

~Time skip~

Ian's POV
I'm so excited for this date!I'm really want to know were we're going.

Anthony:You can open your eyes now.
Anthony:Are you happy!
Anthony:Let's go!

Sohinki:Over here you guys !
Ian whispers:Now I know why you you want me to look fancy.

We get to the table.

Anthony:Wow Mari you look amazing!
Mari: Thanks!
Sohinki:That's what I said earlier.
Ian:Well this is amazing thanks Sohinki and Anthony.
Anthony:Of course Ian.
Sohinki: I know Mari and you Ian love this place.

Then the waitress comes.

?:Are you guys ready to order?
Sohinki:I think so (he stairs at her name tag)Shelly.
Shelly:What'll you guys have!
Sohinki:I'll take a Sprit and the number 3.
Mari:I'll take the strawberry margarita! And the number 3 too!
Anthony:I'll take a beer and the number 5.
Shelly:And you?
Ian:I'll like a strawberry margarita too and the number 2!
Shelly:Ok I'll be back with the food.
Anthony:You seriously got a margarita?
Ian:Yeah why not.
Anthony:Just don't get to drunk.

I get really lovey,touchy-feely, and just plain stupid. I can not get too drunk.

Shelly:Here's your guys drinks I'll be back with your food.

The waitress left.

Anthony:She didn't even ask for our ID's.
Mari:That's not good.
Ian:Yeah what if we were under age?
Sohinki:Well what do you do?
Anthony:Tell the manager?
Mari:Let's just let it go for now she looks like she's having a busy day.

Then Shelly comes back with our food.

Shelly:Here you guys go and I forgot to look at your ID's.I'm so sorry.
Sohinki:It's ok.

We show her our ID's.

Shelly:Thanks You guys have a great day.
Ian:You too!
Anthony :Man I've been waiting for this!
Ian:Yeah I'm so hungry.
Mari:Me too.

We ate our food and I was drunk!

Ian:This...this was fun guys.
Anthony:Yeah it was.
Sohinki:Mari and I had lots of fun!Thanks for coming.
Mari:Ian looks really drunk.
Ian: I only had one
Anthony:Well good thing I drove.
Ian: I not drunk!
Sohinki:This was fun bye!
Mari:Hey we'll walk you guys out.

We walked out then Ian threw up.

Anthony:That's what you get for having 3 drinks.
Shelly:Oh my gosh!are you okay!?
Ian:Yeah yeah I'm fine.

We walked out and Anthony tipped Shelly money since we left my throw up everywhere.

The next chapter is going to be good but probably a little inappropriate.

•-•🍭SwEEtiEpiE 🍬•-•

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