Chapter 5

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"What?? I am not going to that damn party!"

"Calm down Officer Katherine. I know how much you hated to see your father and that being on the same roof with him disgusts you."

"Yes it makes me want to puke." I interjected with a grunt.

"Whatever you say. But their is a great possibility that the leader of the rebel will attend the party. This is part of your job Kayna. You accepted my offer, I want you to be true to your word." Lieutenant Cual added seriously. He might be intimidating but I've known him and worked for him since I was 16. Behind his intimidating stance is a man with a big heart.

"Fine. Just don't expect me to be friendly and entertaining. I'm not a fan of hypocrisy."

"Alright then. Officer Zandro is waiting for you in his office. He will give you some instructions for tonight. He would also want you to see the sketch of the man you will be hunting. We wouldn't want you killing someone because of a mistaken identity, wouldn't we? As of now, I will send Gina to bring your apparel for tonight's occasion. Until then." Lieutenant Cual left my quarter without waiting for my response. That's just the way he is, always formal and grumpy.

After waiting for few minutes, Gina entered my quarter with a red gown and stiletto in her hands. I fit the gown and faced the mirror to examine its features. The end falls inches under my ankles. The dress has a slit on the left side of its skirt, exposing my thigh. The top is a halter top and is covered with glitters. I turn around to examine its back part and a shiver went through me. Only a small portion of my back is covered and the rest is open, forming a v line along my back.

"What do you think Miss Kayna?" Gina asked with a genuine smile.

"Oh Gina, it is stunning but isn't it too sexy and revealing?" I blushed. I wasn't a fan of exposing too much skin.

"It was an order from the Lieutenant, Miss. He said it will be an advantage for your work."

I frowned. What the hell is he thinking? How can this gown be an advantage? I'm not even sure if I can move with this...thing. I did not voice my objection out loud in front of Gina though. I bet she exerted so much effort to make this gown. I wouldn't want to upset her. So I faked a smile.

"Thank you Gina. You're work is excellent. And by the way, you can call me Kaye."

"Okay Miss.. Ow I mean, Kaye." Gina chuckled. "Just call me if you'll need some assistance later."

I change into my more comfortable clothes and walk my way to Officer Zandro's office. I knocked into his door.

"Come in, Kayna."

Officer Zandro is a 31 year-old werewolf. He is a short, bulky man and looks rather scary. His left arm is covered with a snake tattoo.

"Good morning Officer."

I sat on the chair located in front of Officer Zandro's table and started playing with my hair. Zandro handed me a paper."

"That's the sketch of the man you are about to hunt. His name is Kenneth. 20 years old. A source said he started leading the rebels at the age of 16. Their former leader is his father."

I examined the sketch he handed me. Strong jaw. High cheeks. Intense eyes. He looked handsome. Such a shame that he'd soon be executed.

"What shall I do?"

"Many people will attend the celebration tonight and we're hoping that he'll be one of them. I want you to keep an eye on every male in the room. If you see him, approach him but don't be too obvious. You can flirt with him, as what other girls will usually do when they find an attractive man. And as what you saw in the sketch, he is rather attractive. Looks can be pretty deceiving, I tell you. And when he is already comfortable with you, I want you to extract as many information from him without him getting suspicious. Any information. You can follow him when he leaves but I think that would be too dangerous. Maybe he will have some of his soldiers with him. Just befriend him and report to us what you can get."

That's it? Easy. "Okay."

"You are now dismissed." With a nod, I left the room and went back to my quarter. I gathered my gown and stiletto and decided to go home. I need some rest and I need to prepare myself for tonight.

When I arrived home, I directly went to my bed. I clutched my favorite teddy bear and wondered how this night will end. I might face my father tonight. I will see my sister up close. This Kenneth might be a stupid boy or a cunning man like my father. Nothing is certain. The only thing I am sure of is that tonight, I will be wearing this stupid sexy gown. And it unnerves me more than befriending the rebel.


Thank you for reading and I sure hope you'll support Kayna til the very end. Feel free to vote, comment, share and recommend. :)

- Angel.❤

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