Chapter 10

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I spent my week training on mornings and going to the forest with Kenneth on afternoons. Before going home though, I'd report whatever information I got to Lieutenant Cual. Kenneth is still privy and whenever the topic gets too serious, he will distract me by flirting with me. And God help me but he is an expert flirt.

Right now, I am standing on the center of our training arena together with other students. Today will be our practical exam under Mr. Haynu's supervision. His class is all about using each of our individual powers properly and how to enhance them. Mr. Haynu is a masculine, 40 year old ninja, with a dragon tattoo covering his bald-as-an-egg shiny head. He is Magesta's version of Naruto since he can create mini version 2.os of his self.

"Good morning students."

"Good morning Master Haynus." Everyone of us bowed our heads as a form of respect.

"Today, we will be going to put your abilities on show. I am going to create mini versions of my self. And you are to kill every single one of them using your own power." He instructed.

Exciting, I thought.

"But before anything else, I would like to introduce another student who would also love to take this exam."

All of us looked at the direction where Mr. Haynus was headed and my mouth, along several others, agape. Standing with Mr. Haynus is my sister, Yna Allyana together with his personal bodyguard, Casil. I looked over my co-students and it seems like I'm not the only one in shock. Princess Yna does not go anywhere outside the castle. Especially to training arenas like this with only one guard with her.

"Everyone, this is Princess Yna." All of us curtsied and greeted the princess. Mr. Haynus said that she was here to train. But this training is all about using our powers and as far as I know, Princess Yna's power is her lethal voice. How can she possibly train here without killing all of us?

The first student to take the exam is Camilla. She is a 20 year old fairy. Lovely and tan-skinned. Brown doe eyes and curly. She stood in the center of the arena whilst all of us sat on the benches. I watched Princess Yna gracefully striding to the far end of the bench and I mentally laughed when Casil attempted to hold her hand for guidance but she snapped his hand and proceeded with equal grace.  We really have the same blood flowing on our veins then. As if feeling my gaze, she turned her head to my direction and I instantly jerked my head away, pretending to be so engrossed with what Camilla is currently doing. Phew!

Mr. Haynus started his mantra and one by one, little Mr. Haynuses appeared until I lost count. "Bring her to me!" Mr. Haynus shouted and that's when the action begins. Little Mr. Haynuses chased Camilla and Camilla ran like the farmer's wife chased by three blind mice. She waved her wand and striked each one of them with a lightning that came from her wand but they were so many and fast. One of them grabbed Camilla's hair and Camilla stumbled, still holding her wand with a deathlike grip. She punched his nose and stabbed his eye with the wand and the little Mr. Haynus vanished. She then positioned herself and waved her magic wand on the air. We heard a noise that was like a combination of running water and trees being shaken but there hasn't still been a change in the arena. Everyone gasped when tree of those little Mr. Haynuses grabbed a hold of her. One of them slapped her and the two others are holding her hand. The noise was getting louder and louder until a tornado came and attacked her opponents. Camilla kicked the two men holding her hands and with great strength threw them towards the raging tornado. She then twirled, snapped her fingers and the tornado vanished but one little Mr. Haynus still remained. Little Mr. Haynus attempted to grab her arm but she headbut him hard and he stumbled. She then kicked him on the gut, waved her wand and said. "Into a rat." and then boom, another rat was added to the world.

There was silence until someone applauded loudly. We turned our heads toward the sound and found Yna applauding with a big smile. Camilla's eyes widen, as if in shock, and Yna bowed her head towards Camilla, awe and appreciation visible on her eyes. Something in my chest tightened and I wanted to hug her so bad. There were times when I liked to hate her. Yes, people says she's shy and nice but she is my evil father's daughter and like me, his blood flows on her. But watching her now applauding giddily like a child upon witnessing a fairy battle, how can I hate her? How can I hate her when I've been longing to have a sister for a long time?  How can I hate her when I can see my mother's and mine's silver eyes on her? How can I possibly hate her when deep inside, I know that she's my baby sister and I love her?


I'll upload chapter 11 later guys. Still working on it. Hope you enjoyed :)

Angel 😉

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