Chapter 6

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"Such a shame that a very beautiful woman like you is just sitting here alone. Would you love to dance?" Some pretty boy asked. He looked handsome and young, wearing a tux that fits him well. Too bad he's not the one I'm into tonight.

"Sorry. I think I'll pass." I smiled nicely, not wanting to offend the boy.

"I'm guessing your waiting for someone? A boyfriend?" He asked.

"Sort of." I lied.

The boy chuckled. "Should have known. Any woman as beautiful as you never stays single for long."

I faked a smile as a response. He winked and walked away. I've been here in the party for almost an hour, eyeing every male that would enter the room but I still haven't seen my target. Guess the Lieutenant was wrong and this idea is such a waste of time and energy. My poor excuse of a father is roaming around the ballroom and is chatting with his guests, having no knowledge that his other daughter is in this room. Well, I bet he doesn't even know that he has another daughter. Asshole.

Feeling all of a sudden thirsty, I made my way to the server's area to ask for some wine. Queen Rusella is chatting with her friends in the corner. I haven't seen Princess Yna tonight.

"What can I do for you madamme?" An old server asked.

"I would like some wine. Just anything to quench my thirst, please." The server's eyes widen. I chuckled. "No, I am not a vampire. I am just thirsty." She giggled and shook her head. "I am sorry madamme. Your wine will be served in a minute."

After drinking my wine, I contemplated whether to go home now or stay for another hour. My thoughts, however, are then again ruined when I saw my father walk in my direction.

"Young lady."

"Your highness." I curtsied while clenching my fist.

"How are you enjoying the  party?" He asked.

"I'm doing well. I'm just waiting for someone." I need to congratulate myself for not stammering.

"Ah I see." He looked into my eyes intently and it's taking all of my willpower not to kick this man in the gut. "Strange, we have the same silver eyes." He said and instantly, my hands began to shake. "I guess so." is my only reply.

"Anything wrong?" He asked. My nausea must have been apparent. Any minute from now and I think I would puke in front of this man.

"Nothing. I am just-"

"Excuse me your highness but I would love to ask my girl for a dance." A musculine voice interrupted.

"Sure. Enjoy your evening." My father turned on his heel and headed to where Queen Rusella is. I let out the breathe I was holding and clutched my booming chest. A hand gripped my shoulder and I remembered the man who saved me from the uncomfortable conversation I just had with my father. I turned on my back so that I can properly give thanks to my savior when I was met by a very green, emerald eyes. God, his eyes are beautiful. It's like looking at a forest. So relaxing, alluring, captivating.

A throaty chuckle broke the spell I seemed to be bound into and my eyes scrutinized his face. Recognition came and I gasped. This.. This handsome fella is my target!

"You okay?" He asked. His voice. I mentally slapped myself. Damn it. Get a grip Kayna! You're supposed to interrogate him not ogle him!

"I'm okay. Talking with the king just got me sort of antsy." I smiled in a flirtatious way.

He smiled back in a way that shows his dimples. Bet his smile makes all of the girls throw their undergarments aside. Really Kayena?! Urgh!

"I think you owe me a dance then."

"Yeah, I think I do."

He extended his hand and I hold it. His calloused hands reminded me as to why am I really here. This man is not gentle and loving. This man is not a prince charming. This man is a rebel, a murderer. And I will be the one to kill him.

When we are already at the center of the dancefloor, he turned me around. We are face to face now, his face merely inches away from mine and his breath caressing my cheeks. He smelled of soap and something I cannot decipher. But he smelled nice. Great actually that if he weren't my target and if we were not in a room full of people, it would have been nice to snuggle and curl up next to him. He positioned my arms around his neck and his arms curled around my waist. I stared into his eyes which is already staring into mine and how I wish to be just an ordinary girl dancing with this beautiful man. We swayed with the music while staring at each other's eyes and I throw everything aside. It's like everyone vanished and he's the only one I am only aware of.

It's like we're the only people in this room and I wish my heart would just shut up. Do you hear the beating of my heart? I wanted to ask.

I allowed myself to enjoy this moment and for the first time in my life, I felt safe and happy and contented. If only life was this easy. But it is not.


Kenneth's just charming, isn't it? Get to know him more in the following chapters! Lovelots :*

-Angel :)

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