Chapter 27

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"Oh hi hey how are you?" I woke up when someone poked me and suddenly sat up when I saw that it was Yna. Yna just shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, I totally forgot that you can't talk without Shon here. My apologies." I smiled apologetically at her and she smiled back. I continued to smile at her like the awkward idiot that I was because I didn't freaking know what to do and what to say. Thankfully, the awkward air was blown away when we heard a knock on the door.


"It's Shon."

Oh. But seriously? Why would I be disappointed? I'm not freaking disappointed!

"Come in." I said. Yna glared at the opening door.

"Whooah there princess, if looks could kill." Shon teased which made Yna glare more at him.

"What is it Shon?" I asked to break the tension.

"Kenneth needs to discuss something to the both of you." He said, his eyes never leaving Yna.

I glanced at the clock. "What is it about? It's already 10 pm, can't it wait?"

"I'm afraid it can't. It's really important." He answered, his eyes still never leaving Yna. I rolled my eyes.

"And besides, you two haven't have your dinner yet." He added.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom for a minute." Yna said as she broke their glaring session.

The door to the bathroom closed and I turned my attention towards Shon. "Seriously Shon, if looks could get my sister pregnant." I teased and he laughed out loud.

"I wouldn't want to impregnate that woman! No offence." He said defensively. Or rather, lied.

"Humor me." I replied and he glared. The bathroom door opened and we head our way to the dining room where Kenneth was waiting for us.

"You okay?" I asked Yna.

"Yeah, fine. I just can't wait to go far away from that jerk." She replied as she glared at Shon's back.

Shon turned his head towards us, bemused. "I wasn't expecting a princess to have such a vulgar vocabulary."

"Jerk, dickhead, bullshit, motherfucker-

"Okay, I get it. I get it." Shon raised his hand in surrender and I laughed quietly.

"But seriously though, I'm sorry. Really, I am. I didn't know." Shon said as he bowed his head and Yna was frozen in shock. He sounded so sincere.

"Uh- it's.. I mean, it's okay." Yna stammered, cheeks flaming red and Shon continued walking, as if embarassed.

We made it to the dining room and the first thing I noticed, aside from Kenneth is the familiar person standing in front of him.

"Adrian?" I asked and they snapped their heads to where I am.

"Kayna." He smiled and made his way to me. He hugged me and I was immobiled in shock.

Someone cleared his throat and Adrian released me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Adrian.

"He's here because he said he wants to help." Kenneth answered and made his way to us. He grabbed my hand. "Have a sit." He said and I obliged.

"I know you." Yna eyed Adrian suspiciously. "You're my dad's soldier."

"Yes I am, which makes me an asset of this group. I'll be your eyes and ears. In fact, I have an information.-

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