Chapter 19

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I woke up with a grunt. My head ache. My hands ache. My hands. I can't move my hands. I pried my eyes open and my visions are blurry but the first thing I saw was green. I blinked multiple times to clear my vision and that's when I saw his face.

"Is your head aching?" And his voice. This is him. Him.


"Yes, it's me, love."

"What? How? Why?" I glanced around my surroundings. I'm in a bed. A very comfy one. And I'm in a room which I'm guessing is his. I attempted to sit but I realized that my hands are tied.

"Kenneth what am I doing here?!" I demanded. He took a step back and turned his head away.

"Answer me!" I yelled but he doesn't respond. Oh God, he knew it. He knew my mission. Shit what will I do? Will he kill me?

"Look, I'm.. It wasn't.. Please..I". I stammered. What will I say to him?

The door suddenly opened.

"King, here's the food." A musculine and familiar voice said. I glanced on where the voice is coming from and I saw the tallest of the three guy whom I encountered a while ago.

"So, she's awake." The man said. "What's your plan?" He asked Kenneth.

"Tell Valerie to bring her some clothes." Kenneth answered.

The tall man nodded and placed the food to the table near my bed. My stomache grumbled. I don't know how long I've passed out but I'm guessing it's quite long since I'm suddenly very hungry. The door closed and I'm left alone with Kenneth.

"Eat. Valerie will be here in a minute. I'll be waiting on my office. We'll talk." He said. I bowed my head. Embarassed but afraid. But I wouldn't let him know though. I'd be tough.

He took a step towards me and sat on the bed.  He untied the rope from my hands and then walk away without another word.

Minutes later, someone knocked and I opened the door. A pretty short haired brunette met my vision and she glared at me. I glared back. Who the freak she think she is?

She handed me some clothes. "Wear that. If you want to take a bath, the shower is on that door." She pointed to the door on the left side of Kenneth's room.

"Where's-" I was about to ask where Kenneth is but she abruptly slammed the door in my face. How rude.

I went to the location of the bathroom. I opened the door and I was met with a very nice scent. I closed the door and examined my face in the mirror. My eyes are silver which means that it is already night time. I took a shower for 30 minutes. I got out of the bathroom with only my towel as a covering and hurriedly locked the door of Kenneth's room. I wouldn't want him accidentally seeing me naked. After locking the door I went to where the clothes Valerie gave me is.

I really thought she would give me something formal like a dress. Or maybe she'd give me something like what I used to wear like jeans and a shirt. But what the heck? She wants me to wear Kenneth's shirt?

Unfortunately, I washed my worn clothes before I took a bath so I don't have any other choice. I put the shirt on. It's large and fell mid thigh. It's a blue shirt with Kenneth's name on the back. I ran to the bathroom to examine what I look like. I look silly. Grrr.

A knock on the door  made me leave the bathroom. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Open the door." A female voice answered. Valerie.

I opened the door. Valerie eyed me from head to toe, brows arching. She shook her head. I want to snap her head off. "Kenneth's waiting. Follow me."

I did. I followed her. I wanted to stretch Kenneth's shirt down because it keeps getting higher on every step. But I didn't. Not because I'm completely okay with it. It's only because I enjoyed Valerie's reaction. Valerie who kept glaring on my legs and shirt, probably jealous. Ha! If she only have my powers, I'd be roasted right now.

Valerie opened a door and there sat Kenneth together with the tall guy. He snapped his head to our direction and grinned when he found me.

"Looks good on you." He laughed. The bastard.

"Ha.ha". I laughed sarcastically but my laugh were turned to a scowl when Valerie whispered something to his ear and he chuckled. He look at her with that great smile he used to give me and whispered something back. She laughed and hugged him. He gave her a peck on the cheeks. I look away. Damn.

It hurt.

"Kaye, have a sit." Kenneth said and I glanced back at him. Thank goodness Valerie's not clawing on him. That would've hurt more. Valerie's already on her way out and I made my way towards the couch, glaring.

I should have known. Here I thought I was horrible for lying to him. For befriending him for my duty. Here I am, guilty because for the first time, I'm doubting my job. For the first time, I thought someone might have thought I am special. Silly me.

It was just a lie.


Share your thoughts guys. Thank you so much for reading :)

Oh and by the way, if you're confused, Kenneth is not a king. It's just his nickname hehe

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