Chapter 12

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Mr. Haynus cleared his throat causing the tension to break. "Your highness, I apologize for my student's behavior. I would not allow such rotten behavior. Expect me to reprimand him. I'm sorry." Mr. Haynus bowed his head and apologized sincerely and a bit nervously to Yna. Yna just nodded her head, broke the ice covering Roden's feet who is now shivering in cold and utter humuliation, and proceeded to the center of the arena. Mr. Haynus cleared his throat once again, glared one more time on Roden and started his mantra. "Bring her to me!" he shouted.

Mr. Haynus' minions ran after Yna and Yna ran. She is not a very fast runner unlike all of us, but I'm guessing it's all because she's not really active in participating trainings. But with proper training and a perfectly skilled instructor, she'd be completely fatal especially considering her powers. As if having a lethal voice isn't scary enough. She can actually create ice! Wow. And it's just funny because we are a synonym, two sisters having almost identical physical appearances and both having the same lethal voice.

But we are a paradox. The executioner and the princess, dominating fire and ice.

I turned my attention back to Yna who is now putting her hands in front, creating a floor of ice. It's actually comical because her opponents were having a hard time running since the ice floor is now slippery. Using the distraction, she then frozed them two at a time using both hands. Two of the minions, however, managed to get near her. One grabbed her ankle while the other one jumped on her head. She stumbled but kicked the one grabbing her ankles hard, freezed him, and then kicked it again causing not just the ice to shatter, but also the minion inside the ice to shatter into broken limbs. The other one who is still grabbing his hair and trying to pull her, smacked her head hard but she didn't wobble. Instead, she took a piece of the broken ice with a sharp edge and stabbed the minion in his arms. The minion stumbled and fell to the floor. Yna then made a stone wall on the left corner of the arena. The minion started to stand up but Yna grabbed the minion's hair and with full force, threw the minion into the wall of ice she just made. We heard a crack and then the minion vanished, indicating his death and the victory of my sister, Princess Yna.

Everyone of us, except Roden, applauded and congratulated Yna. She bowed and smiled and Mr. Haynus shook her hand.

"Congratulations to all of you for a job well done. You have proved that our trainings weren't put to waste. You are all now dismissed. Except for you, Roden, remain." Mr. Haynus said with authority. We congratulated each other and proceeded to grab our belongings. Casil and Yna went to Mr. Haynus and I moved a bit closer so that I can hear their conversation. Nosy Kayna.

"We are so glad to have the two of you here." Mr. Haynus said with a wide smile.

"We too are glad to be here. It's nice to see some of the powers of our fellow Magestic." Casil answered.

"But Mr. Haynus. We would like this to please be a secret. Actually, the king and queen doesn't have any knowledge of this." Casil added.

Hmmm, going on trainings without permission. And here I thought that the princess was an obedient little fella.You're so like me sister, I'm so proud.

"Oh, yes yes sure. That won't be a problem. I promise, I won't spare a word." Mr. Haynus said and then Casil and Yna walked out peacefully.

"Students, please don't say a word to anyone about the princess and her guard's participation. Thank you." Mr. Haynus said and with that, I went outside and walked my way home.


"You look worn-out. Tough training?" My mother asked me when I arrived home. I gave her a peek on the cheeks.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered her and directly went to my room to take a shower since I am already slick with sweat from the training and the heat of the sun. I showered for 30 minutes and changed into my shorts and baggy shirt. I made my way downstairs and the smell of fresh lasagna and pasta hit me.

"That smells great." I said, eyeing the meal hungrily. I hurriedly made my way to the table and was about to grab a handful of the lasagna but my mother pinched me.

"Oooops, wash your hands and then sit properly woman. And for the love of God, use some spoon! You are disgusting." My mother said with a grunt and I rolled my eyes.

"Fairies." I muttered under my breathe but did as I was asked. I washed my hands and then sat properly on the chair opposite to where she is sitting. We prayed and thanked God for bestowing us blessings and for giving us good health. After praying, we then started to eat our meal, my mother gracefully eating hers while I am devouring the whole meal like a hungry beast. My mother, just shook her head but didn't reprimand me. After eating, my stomache is so heavy with the amount of food I consumed. I helped my mom wash the dishes and clean the table and after that, I went to my room. I lay on my bed and thought of emerald eyes before drifting to sleep.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my book :) please don't be shy to comment. And you can also share and recommend my story to your friends. Maybe I can get some time later and work on chapter 13. As of now, I will be reviewing some of my lessons in accounting just like what good students do. Char! 😂

Lots of love!
- Angel ❤

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