Chapter 16

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"I always knew you were really attracted to me." He grinned and all I wanted to do is to smack that smile off his face. Or maybe have a photograph of it because let's face it, his smile's just so dang perfect, he can be a toothpaste model.

"The fuck are you talking about?" I asked, brows arching in confusion.

"Language, love. I'm just trying to say thank you."

"Thanks for what?" I asked, arching my head a little farther from his because being this near to him does things I wouldn't even want to acknowledge. Geeeez.

"For dumping him. I always knew you wouldn't settle for less. I mean, look at me in all this handsome glory." He released his hold on me, fixed his tuxedo, combed his hair with his hands, and then winked at me. I laughed.

"Silly. I didn't dump him. He is not my boyfriend." I said while crossing my hands at my chest.

"So what? He's your girlfriend? Oh.. I didn't.. I mean, look at you, being hot and pretty and all but I didn't realize you were a le-"

"Oh fuck you!" I slapped him on his arm and laughed. I can't help it. This man's just hilarious and adorable.

"I would really love to oblige, love. But I'm afraid, I've got something to do." He grinned. I just rolled my eyes.

"Really love. I think I've got to go. I've got some stuff to do." He said.

"Oh. Sure." I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice. Why the hell are you disappointed Kaye?! This is so not right. Oh I know why you're disappointed. You have to gain something valuable from him but you weren't able to. That's it. Now, let him go.

Pssssh, fool your self.

The riot happening inside my head stopped when he grabbed me by the arms and suddenly, we're close again. I think we're even closer right now. He leaned in and put his right hand on my neck, the other on my waist.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Fudgee bar. Snickers. Hershey's. Mother of an orphan goat! He's going to kiss me. Kenneth. Leaning in. Close your eyes Kayna. Close your damn eyes! Oh I'm already closing it. Have you brushed your teeth? Thank goodness, yes! Shit no! Remember what your mother said? If an attractive guy started hitting on you, run! Run now Kayna run! But urgh. Sorry. I shall disappoint you sometimes mom. I-I..

"Don't come running after him when I'm gone. I'll be back." He whispered, his breath tickling my ears.

That's it? No kissing? Just a whisper? Oh.. Okay.. And to think that you closed your eyes! Open them Kayna!!

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I faked a big yawn. "I'm.. I'm so sleepy. Have you noticed me closing my eyes? Yes, that was me, sleepy." I yawned again and smiled broadly. Damn it!

"Okay. Whatever you say. Bye Kaye." He grinned maliciously and went past through me. I just stood there, unable to move. Geeeesh! What's with me acting like a hopeless romantic silly high school little girl? I need to stop this!

Before it's too late.


"Just hold my hand and don't go anywhere. There's too many people in here." My mom instructed. We were now huddled in the middle of the capitol, together with thousand and thousands of other Magestic citizens. Today will be the big announcement and the recruits will also be identified today.

"What about let's stay on the back? I think it's safer there. I wouldn't want the bastard seeing you Mild." Uncle Richard said.

"Good idea." Mom replied.

We walked towards the back with my mom holding her husband's arm and me holding on hers. Just when we reach the back portion, a man started talking on the mic.

"Good morning fellow Magestans. Thank you for being here today." The man with a balloon-like tummy said. Pssssh, as if all of us here aren't just forced to come.

"The new king will be announcing certain matters today. Please help me welcome, the new king, King Roberto of Magesta!" Everyone, including us, curtsied then clapped. The king strode towards the center of the stage with a proud smile. If I could just turn him into ashes right now, I would.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am here in front of all of you to inform you that new soldiers will be recruited today. As a king, it is my responsibility to check all of you. I am very much aware that a majority of the population here in Magesta are not having enough income to feed their hungry stomaches and to satisfy all their needs. Fortunately, I have found a result. Every unmarried person having an income of less than the average will be recruited. Those recruited will be given their salaries. But, all of you will stay in the castle for training. You will live with your family no more."

I watch people's expressions and most of them were terrified. Some are even trembling and mothers are clutching their children, afraid that someone might take them away.

"Any objections?" The monster which is dressed as a king asked.

There was a moment of silence. From what I can see, almost all of the people here have objections but are just too afraid to voice them out.

"I object! I only have one son. He is sick! He can't be a soldier. This is so unfair!" One woman shouted.

"Woman, are you saying that my plan cannot benefit you, citizens?" The king asked calmly.

The woman bowed her head in silence, her hands trembling. "We could find another solution. Most of us are still striving." One man shouted.

"Yes! And besides, what's the use of those salaries if we wouldn't have our children?!" Another man objected. More objections were yelled and there was a war of words. I watched the king intently and a vein bulged on his forehead. Uh-oh

"Silence!!" He roared, the sound almost defeaning.

"I am the king. I make the rules. You are all my servants! How dare you question me?!" The king shouted and all of the people were in silence.

"Soldiers!" The soldiers circling the citizens automatically clutched their guns.

"Get all the possible recruits. Bring them to the castle. If anyone will refuse, kill them!"

The soldiers started making their way towards the terrified citizens. The king started to walk away. Soldiers started grabbing civilians and some civilians fought back. It happened all in just mere seconds, I'm having a hard time grasping everything. A soldier was making his way towards us but then everything stopped. Explosions were everywhere. The stage first exploded, the stage where my father and most of his soldiers is. And then the sound of guns came from everywhere. Soldiers pointed their guns at any direcrion, trying to find where their invisible enemies are. The citizens started running for their lives. Richard grabbed my hand and we started running away from the chaos. I ran and gasped for air.

What the hell happened back there? From the looks of it, the attacker was trying to attack the king. Who would have such a brave soul? Who would have caused the chaos?

Oh shit.

Holy shit.

The rebels.


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Angel 😉

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