Chapter 15

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The ceremony ended with the newly wed's kiss and we all clapped and congratulated them. During the ceremony, I kept glancing at Kenneth's direction partly because I'm really wondering why the hell he's here and partly because I just wanted to watch him and his handsome glory.

"It's been so long dear. You've grown up as a beautiful lady." Aunt Ezra said and I blushed.

"Thank you. You're beautiful too aunt. Actually, you look much younger now than the last time I saw you." I complimented back sincerely.

"Guess the stress before robbed my youth. But now, I have nothing to stress about. Especially with Adrian here." She said as he watched her son with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. But her smile is somehow teasing, it scares me.

"Adrian right here is a very kind man. Never disappointed me and his father. And just like his father, he's handsome, isn't he?" Aunt Ezra winked at me and Adrian scratched his head, probably embarassed.

"Mom. That's not necessary." Adrian scolded his mother.

"Look at him getting shy in front of pretty girls. Isn't it adorable?" Aunt Ezra's grin widen and I laughed an awkward laugh.

"I'm leaving you two behind because I need to congratulate my friend. Ciao!" Aunt Ezra waved us goodbye and I steal a glance on Adrian who is shaking his head. "Sorry about that." He said shyly.

"It's okay. Guess all mothers were like that." I smiled and he smiled back.

"So, it's been so long." He opened up.

"Indeed. The last time I remembered, you were still running with only your superman underwear on." I teased, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Hey! At least I didn't wear my mother's bra while running and yelling "I'm Kayna and I'm a boob hero!"

"Oh my God that was so embarassing!" I slapped him playfully and we giggled. Just like old times. We kept reminiscing our past experiences and kept laughing at our silly selves when something caught my peripheral vision. I glanced on my left and there he is, standing with his hand on his pocket and staring at us with what I can say is a scowl. Adrian is saying something but I didn't turn his way. I kept staring at Kenneth. Kenneth who is staring intently at me. Kenneth who scowled at Adrian. Kenneth who stared again at me. Kenneth who abandoned his scowl and smiled. Kenneth who is now making his way towards us.

Shit on a cow's grave.

"Hey!" He waved at us and smiled.

"Hey! This is-" I was about to introduce him to Adrian when he immediately offered his hand to Adrian.


Adrian took his hand. "Adrian." And they shook their hands while fiercely staring at each other's eyes, the tension on the air's suddenly too high. Boys. I rolled my eyes then cleared my throat to break the tension but neither of them broke their gaze. Thankfully, Uncle Richard approached us and I sighed in relief.

"Congratulations!" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You can call me Dad now." He winked at me and I winked back.

"Congratulations Richard." The two talked in unison. So, the tension's still in the air. Gaaaaaah

Richard took Kenneth's hand first since he was nearer and shook it. He shook Adrian's next.

"You know each other?" I asked, the question directed to both Kenneth and uncle Richard.

"Yes, we know each other. And it seems like you know each other too." Richard said, acting as if he doesn't have any knowledge that I know Kenneth. I guess I'll just ask him later.

"Excuse me. I'll just go congratulate Aunt Mildrayna." Adrian said and I hugged him goodbye. He smiled at me and I smiled back, very much aware that Kenneth's watching.

"I'll go too. I'm kind of busy." Uncle Richard said. Maybe he invited Kenneth so that I could gain other informations. I'll thank him later.

"So, Adrian?" Kenneth asked after uncle Richard walked away.

"Yeah, what's with him?" Is it just me or are you acting jealous?

His eyes widen as if reading my thoughts and he shook his head. "Nothing."

"Oh" I said, half disappointed. But why should I be? Kenneth's just a friend. I'm just his friend. Why would he be jealous? Silly me.

"Hey, still remember the game you introduced to me?" He asked while grabbing my shoulders and tucking me with him. My hands trembled and I suddenly feel nervous. What the heck's wrong with me?

"The 20 questions?" I asked.

"Yes, that one. It's called 20 questions but I was only able to ask you less than ten questions."


"Can I ask you one?" He said while holding me closer to him, if that's even possible. And stared into my eyes.

"Uhhh. Okay?"

"Is Adrian your boyfriend?" He asked and I smiled. Guess he's really jealous then. There's really nothing to smile about it because if he is, then I'm screwed. I'm freaking screwed. He's supposed to be a target. I'm supposed to spy him. And I'm supposed to execute him after. But being this close to him. Having my knees buckle because of our proximity. And to think that I am pleased because he's jealous. Gosh! I am so dead!

"No. No. He's not my boyfriend."


Hi guys!! It's quite a busy week because finals is fast approaching. I'll apologize if I wouldn't be able to update immediately but I'll try my best. Thank you for reading :)

Angel 😘

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