Chapter 28

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I woke up with a grunt when somebody threw a towel on my face. It was Yna. Instead of feeling monstrous, it made me smile. Who knew a princess would act this way? She was really not someone I expected her to be. I chuckled. I guess it runs in the blood.

"Good morning princess." I greeted her and she smiled. It doesn't look like a smile though. It was more like a grimace. She is so tense. Even if she makes great effort to hide it, it's still pretty obvious that every nerves of her body's in tension.

"It will be okay." I half-whispered before entering the bathroom.


We made our way to the front yard to meet everyone. Everyone's all geared up and I can practically smell the adrenaline running on their veins. Yna's on my side as well as Shon and Valerie. I scanned the crowd for Kenneth and Adrian but they were nowhere in sight. Seconds later, Adrian and Kenneth together with three persons I do not recognize emerge on the crowd and Kenneth immediately went to us.

"Kayena listen to me, do not go far away from Shon, you hear me?" He said as he stared directly to my eyes and gripped my shoulders.

I didn't have the time to answer because he immediately turned to Shon and said, "Promise me you'll never let them out of your sight."

Shon nodded. "It's not like we're going on a bloodbath or something Kenneth, chill." I attempted to lighten up the mood but frowned when I realized I failed miserably.

"We don't know for certain what will happen today Kayena. But one thing's for sure, some people will get hurt today. And I don't want you to be one of them." He said as he walked away.

We made our way to the castle. I don't know where everyone went but the plan is we are going to meet on the river on the back of the castle. Yna said that the guards there are usually not too alert and that if the king was not around, most of them will just sleep or go around hunting for girls. The walk to the castle was far enough that my knees and feet are already wobbling. Great, we are not yet in action and I am already tired. What a disappointment.

"Can I talk?" Princess Yna asked out of nowhere.

"You already talked, dummy." Shon rolled his eyes and Yna sent a glare that could melt an ice on his way. Shon chuckled.

"I was just making sure." Yna said on her defense.

"We could've been dead by now if it weren't for me and my awesome skills, you know?" Shon teased him and Yna glared more.

"You know, you two make a cute couple." I said and they both yelled. "No way" in unison which only made me laugh more.

"Cute." I said and they both glared at me.

"Are we almost there?" Yna asked to change the subject.

"Yes." Shon answered and we continued walking. However, a few seconds later, we heard footsteps. I grabbed a knife and the three of us frozed on a defensive stance. Shon positioned his self in front of us and grabbed two swords.

"Shon! It's me! Jake! I need help." The man shouted.

"Jake! Where are you?" Shon yelled, still holding the two swords on his hands.

"In here. I- I think I broke my leg." The man shouted.

We went towards the direction of the voice and sure enough, the man is bathing on his blood. Yna ran to the side and puked.

"Jesus what the hell happened to you?!" Shon torn his clothes into pieces and wrapped it on Jake's leg.

"It was a beast. Half dog. Half snake. I don't know it was. I didn't saw any of it before and it fucking bit me. Bit us. It was.. It was an ambush Shon! We were fucking ambushed." Jake yelled in between yelps of pain.

"Fuck." Shon hissen and I gritted my teeth.


Adrian was a king's soldier.

"Adrian." I whispered and shook my head.

"Adrian. Maybe he betrayed us. He.. He was a soldier."

Shon's looks were murderous as he hooked Jake on his back.

"Kenneth was right not to trust him. We need to go." He said and we immediately made our way back to the forest.

We were half running, doing anything on our power not to make any noise when we heard footsteps from behind. We quickened our pace.

"They're near. Hurry." Shon said.

"Just leave me here man. I'll just slow you. I'm a liabilty." Jake said and I wanted to cry but there's no time for that.

"No fucking way man." Shon said as he gritted his teeth and quickened his pace a little more.

"I'll distract them." Yna said and I grabbed her arm.

"No way! They're looking for you. They will do anything to get you Yna."

"I can do anything to defend myself too, Kayena." Yna replied.

"No time for arguments ladies. And no time for stupid decision making." Shon hissed.


Yna wan't able to finish her statement beause of three reasons. First,we heard a growl. Second, Shon was on his knees, grunting in pain. And third, I was already yanked from behind by an invisible force.

I shouted.

I kicked. I kicked and kicked and shout and punched anything.

But then I was put to the ground and when I raised my head, I saw him. Adrian.

The traitor.


Damn it took me so long to update because I didn't really know what to write and I wasn't really in the mood hahahaha. Pardon me. :) Anyways, comment your thoughts, this was a short update though. Maybe I'd be able to update tomorrow. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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