1- Sparks Fly

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I sat there at a picnic table trying to study but a guy caught my eye. The way his eyes sparkled with a sort of hidden fire seemed so familiar. He was tall, muscular, and had long-ish hair. I sat there and looked at him intently before noticing I was staring. I wondered how long I was looking and looked down shyly. I couldn't quite place the eyes or the face, but I knew he looked familiar. Then it hit me. It was an old childhood friend I hadn't seen since I was 15. If it weren't for the tiny mannerisms that were the same or the sparkle in his eyes, I never would have figured it out. I was far too shy to walk over there myself, but lucky for me, he was heading my way. I pretended to be immersed in my work.

"Hey, I noticed you staring. Nothing wrong with that, just thought I'd come say hi." He stated as he sat across from me. If it was the guy I thought it was, he had gained a lot of confidence over the years.

"Hi." I replied shyly.

"Hi. I'm Sam." He told me.

"Sam? As in Winchester?" I asked.

"Who the heck are you?" He asked back almost angrily. I remembered that most people wouldn't know his real last name.

"I'm Caitlin. Caitlin Summers. We were friends when we were kids." I explained, hoping it would jog memories. He blinked a few times before replying.

"Caitlin? Wow. It's been a long time. How did we end up in the same city? You here hunting the same thing we are?"

"No. I didn't grow up in the hunting life. I stopped once I left. I'm finishing up my last year of college here in town. I'm kinda late to the college game but at least I'm finishing. I'm majoring in mythology and minoring in Latin. I figured I might as well study something I'd read about." I told him. I had spent enough time at Bobby's when I was a kid that I picked up on a lot of stuff. "Do you maybe want to meet up for coffee or something? I'd really like to catch up."

"Sure. We're in town for a few days. Here, put your number in my phone and I'll give you a call. I'm sure Dean would like to see you too." He stated as he slid his phone across the table.

"I'd love to catch up with both of you." I replied before we parted ways. I went back to studying and before long, my phone rang. "Hello?"

"It's Sam. I just wanted to make sure it worked first. I'll text you later about when to meet up for coffee."

"Sounds good. Bye Sam."


I was excited. I had always had a huge crush on Dean. Sam was the only one who knew. When we were younger, Dean and I would always play around Bobby's junkyard. He'd roughhouse a lot, but I was never severely hurt. He'd always help Bobby fix up cars and I remember loving watching him. He looked hot in grease and seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Sam however was different. Dean for the most part never let him play and ignored him to spend time with me. Sam always sat off to the side and watched. He was a shy kid. Dean was gone a lot with his dad so it was just Sam and I a lot. He and I got close and talked all the time. He was nice and kind and cared about me. He was always a good looking kid but he had gotten better over the years. I was actually beginning to think Sam looked pretty hot. Telling him I liked Dean seriously screwed things up though. He was mad and vowed to never speak to me again. I wondered if he forgot about that. At one point the day I told Sam I liked Dean, Dean had asked me out but I turned him down because of the age gap and because I didn't want to be a hunter. He stopped talking to me too. I guess that's why I hadn't talked to either of them in over 10 years.

Hey. I'm not sure meeting up with you two is a good idea. I texted him

Why not?

You vowed to never speak to me again and Dean and I stopped talking once I told him no to him asking me out.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. He says he still wants to see you again though. I just asked him. I forgot about what I said. I'm still gonna talk to you.

Ok. Just let me know when and where.

How's 4 at the coffee shop across the street from the college?

Sounds good I replied. I studied for a couple hours before making my way to the coffee shop.

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