31- Arrested

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"She was nice."

"Yeah she was. Jeez. How long were we asleep?" Sam replied. It had gotten quite dark out. It was only early afternoon when we went in. I looked at my phone.

"It's already 9, Sam."

"Wow. We were in there a while. You wanna get some food? I'm starving." He asked.

"Sure. If we can find some place that's open. Most places in small towns like this close pretty early." We wandered for a good 20 minutes and everywhere seemed to be closed. "Let's just go back to the hotel. We can order a pizza or something." Sam agreed and we headed back. He dialed the number and ordered a pizza and a 2 liter of coke. We just laid in bed with the tv on and waited for the pizza.

"Well I think that was a pretty fun day."

"Me too. You know, reading made me think... Do you ever read a book and get lost in the world and wish that was the world you lived in because things were normal?"

"All the time." Sam confessed.

"Me too. I always have. You know, sometimes it's nice for the hunting and everything to not be running my life anymore. I can just get lost in another world. Kinda like it is here with you. No worrying about supernatural things, just you and me together." I explained. "Plus this little kid inside me." I added with a chuckle.

"I feel the same way. It is nice to not worry about it so much." He added. There was a knock on the door. As he went to get the pizza, he mumbled christo as usual. This time, the eyes did flash black. The pizza guy tried to attack Sam but he took his knife from his pocket and in one swift motion killed him. He grabbed the pizza and came inside.

"Sam," I started cautiously. "They're after me again aren't they?"

"I don't think so. I think he just happened to show up here. Just try to relax. He's dead and we're safe."

"But he's dead in front of our door. The cops are gonna be after us. You can't explain that." Sam took the knife and made a couple of minor cuts on his face and arms.

"I'll play it off as self defense if I have to. We'll leave in the morning ok? I know I'm usually the first one to say let's get out, but we're finally alone and together and I don't know how often we'll get to do that. I promise, we'll leave in the morning." He assured me. Sam was acting kind of weird, but I figured he was right that we don't get to do this much. I whispered christo and he was fine so I let it go and relaxed. We ate some pizza and were about to go to sleep when there was a harsh pounding on the door.

"This is the police. Open up." They pounded. Sam looked through the peephole, said christo again and they were clean. He didn't want to open it because he knew that by law we didn't have to unless they had a warrant. "We have a warrant for your arrests." They insisted. 'Of course they do' I mumbled under my breath. Sam backed away from the door and sat with me on the bed.

"It'll be ok. If they put you in jail and give you a phone call, call Dean." I nodded. Moments later the cops broke the door down and began arresting Sam harshly.

"Go easy with her. Please. She's pregnant." He stated, hoping it would result in nicer treatment. It did. They marched us out to cop cars and read us our rights as they did so. Sam and I were in separate cars and I only hoped they would take us to the same cell.

We pulled up to the precinct and they got us out. I was put in one cell and Sam was led down a hallway to another. "No!" I shouted. "I need to be with my husband. Please! Please!" I begged. I couldn't stand being without Sam. I sat down and cried. Nothing ever ended the way we wanted it to. Another woman whom I hadn't paid any attention to was in my cell. She came over to me.

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