34- New News

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"Dean, I really do appreciate everything you said. All of it. You and Sam care so much about me and I feel like I act like you don't. That's not my intention at all. I don't know how you two see past everything bad, but I'm glad you do. I honestly don't know what I'd do if you guys hated me. I'm trying to love myself but that gets hard. Just know that no matter how much I act like I don't, I love you two so much. You are all I have and I couldn't ask for anything more." I added after a few moments. "So thank you, Dean. Thanks for being here for me and for bailing me out and for loving me no matter how much I screw up."

"Of course. I know you love and care about us. We both know that. I'm glad you're at least trying to love yourself. I know it's hard. It's hard for Sam and I too sometimes. Just keep trying. It's important." He replied. I nodded and we went back to watching tv.

A couple hours passed before Dean's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Josh. I have news."

"What's up?" Dean asked.

"Sam can go tomorrow. I can't get you in to see him tonight though. They are forced to move Sam to jail temporarily because there was a big bust and they need his cell. If Caitlin was still there, he would be able to stay in a cell with her, but I can't stop them. I'm sorry."

"Ok. When can we get him tomorrow?"

"I'll call you but I'd guess around noon." He replied.

"Ok. Thanks for the update."

"No problem."

"Sam's in jail now? Like actual jail?" I asked. I was scared for him. I knew I wouldn't even last a few minutes let alone almost a whole day.

"Yes. We can get him tomorrow. Try to relax." I frantically called Amanda.


"Amanda, it's Caitlin. Sam's going to actual jail tonight. Can I please talk to him? Please? I'm so scared for him." I begged.

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll see what I can do. I'll call you back." I hung up.

"Caitlin, look at me." Dean stated. I had started to slightly panic. "It's ok. Sam can handle himself. He's only in there tonight and part of tomorrow. He'll be ok." I took a deep breath and relaxed. I wouldn't normally freak out like this but I couldn't bear to know that Sam was being hurt because a demon was after me. It was my fault he was getting transferred.

My phone rang. It was Amanda. "Hello?"

"You have maybe 30 seconds to a minute before I get caught." She stated and handed the phone to Sam.

"Baby, I'm sorry you're getting transferred. I'm so scared for you. I swear we're doing what we can to get you out. The legal system is complicated. I just want to be there with you."

"I know. It's ok. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Real quick, give the phone to Dean." I did as he said and could still hear him through the phone. "Dean, try to keep her calm. I know she's worried. I would be too. I've gotta go. Tell her I love her."

"That's all I can give you. My boss is coming. Sorry Dean." Amanda hung up.

"I could hear it through the phone. I guess it's just time to wait." I commented.

"Yep. Sorry I can't do more to help."

"It's ok, Dean. I don't expect you to fix this 100%. If you don't mind, I was gonna go to my room. I have that book I was reading from the bookstore and I want to finish it. Get me when it's time for dinner." I just wanted to go get lost in my book for a while.

"Sure. Let me know if you need anything." I nodded and headed in. I opened the leather book and began reading. Within minutes I was lost in another world where nothing was going wrong at the moment although I knew something would soon. It was still better than worrying about Sam. Hours flew by and I finally read the last page. The end was great and the very last line of the book was 'Life was good.' In all this mess I had been focusing on how scared I was and how everything bad was happening, but life was a lot better than I thought. Sam and I had a bit of a honeymoon, I was gonna have a child, Dean was here with me, and life was good and yet here I was, trying to hide in a world I didn't belong in when I should be taking this time to appreciate the good and the fact Dean was there for me.

I walked out of my room just as Dean was about to knock. "Oh. Hey. I was about to go get some dinner. You ok?"

"I'm sorry I'm making such a big deal out of everything lately. It's just that things have been sucky recently. I should be thinking about the good and how I'm gonna be a mom and Sam and I had our honeymoon and how you're here for me, yet I haven't been. I'm making a huge deal out of it all when you have confidence Sam will be ok." I stated.

"Quit apologizing. You have every right to be worried. It's scary having him be in jail. I know it is. We'll get him back tomorrow. Relax. Let's go eat." We went and ate then came back to the bunker. We hung out then went to bed.

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