13- Proposal

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We woke up in the morning and Sam spoke up. "You sure you're ready for this? I won't be upset at all if you aren't. I don't want to throw you into something you don't want to do."

"Yes. I'm sure." I replied.

"I'm gonna go talk to Dean about this stuff. Mind giving me a bit?" I shook my head no, he gave me a kiss then headed out.

He returned a while later and we went out to the main room. I helped them with research for the day.

"I'm gonna go pick up some food. Any suggestions?" He asked.

"Nope. I'm cool with whatever." I stated. Dean nodded his head in agreement and Sam left. We sat there and researched for a while.

"He loves you to death you know? I've never seen him happier than when he's with you." Dean commented.

"I know. I love him too. You sure you're ok with this? I know you loved me. I don't want to make you feel betrayed." I asked honestly. I didn't want to hurt Dean.

"Yes. I want you to be happy. It's ok. You aren't betraying me." He assured me. We worked for a bit more when suddenly Dean slid a note across the table to me. I looked at him skeptically and he just gave me a goofy smile. I picked it up and read it.

You know you mean the world to me. My original plan didn't work since you found out what I was doing, but it's a good thing Dean and I can come up with stuff on the spot, plus I had this most of the way planned as a back up anyways. You're on a hunt for your ring now. You'll get a series of hints in various places. Your first clue is where we like to hang out.
Can't wait to see you.

I got up and walked to the room with the TV. There was another note on the couch.

Baby, you and I have had some great laughs and great times together over the years. I love spending time with you even if it is just to watch tv. I love you. Your next clue is in our room... Wear something nice

I did as he said and went to our room where there was a note taped inside our closet.

Put on whatever you want to wear then talk to Dean. He'll take you to the next place.

I changed into a nice dress and flats. I wanted to impress Sam. I was getting nervous. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was still freaking out. I went out to Dean.

"Dang. You look great." He commented.

"Thanks. So Sam's clue says to have you take me to the next place. Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see." He replied. We got in the impala and drove off. "It's like a 10-15 minute drive. Look in the glove box. He has another note and it's a long one."

I pulled it out and began reading.

You're almost here. It's really not that far. I'm getting Dean to drive around so you can read this. You can walk there in just a few minutes. The point is, I love you. I've always loved you, I just never acted on it. I saw how you reacted to Dean and I couldn't deal with the possibility of that happening to me. It took everything in me to not tell you how I felt. I had such a hard time shoving my feelings aside. The day I asked you out, I had no idea you would say yes and I was honestly surprised. I didn't think you felt the same way. I'm so happy you did. You've been through so much in your life and so many of those things I wish I was there to help you through. I want to be here for you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met and you are the most perfect girl in the world. No matter what has happened in the past, I'm always going to love you. I know you have your doubts and I know you hope I'm the right choice. I can assure you that I love you like no other and I will always love you. When you're done reading, tell Dean you're done.

"Dean, I'm done reading." I stated softly.

"Ok. Nervous? You seem really scared." He asked. I really was.

"Yeah. Super nervous. I already know what's gonna happen but I-I don't know. I'm just worried. There's no reason to be though." A couple of tears fell. When I get anxious or really worried, I get upset.

"It's ok. Just breathe." I did as he said but the lone tear continued to fall. I wiped it away.

"Hey, why are you crying? He's just gonna say some sweet stuff and ask you. It's ok." He consoled once we stopped the car. We were at the forest near the bunker.

"When I get anxious or really worried I cry, as much as I don't want to." I explained.

"Oh. Listen, would it make you feel better if I go with you? I was gonna wait in the car but if you want, I'll go. Or do I need to tell Sam to just come out to the car?" He asked.

"Just come with me. I'll be ok." I assured him. We got out.

"Ok. Follow the path and you'll get to him. I'm right here." Dean consoled. He hung back a bit to try to keep the secret as long as possible. I followed the path for a couple of minutes before I reached a clearing where Sam was standing. There was a heart made out of rose petals on the ground. He saw me and Dean and had a look of confusion at why Dean was with me.

"She was super nervous. I offered to come with her." Dean stated upon picking up on Sam's look. Sam nodded. He motioned me closer to him. I did as he asked. He took my hands in his.

"Caitlin, you know I've loved you for years. You know I'd do anything for you. My biggest regret it not talking to you for all those years. I wanted to be there for you when you struggled with things. I want to be here for you forever." He got down on one knee. "Will you... marry me?" He asked with a tear in his eye. I began to cry tears of joy myself.

"Yes. Of course I will. I love you, baby. I love you so much. So so so much. No matter how mad I seem or how much we fight, I will always love you." I told him. He nodded and put the ring on my finger. He cupped my face in his hands and gave me a passionate kiss. I melted right there and at the end of it never wanted to leave his arms.

"Come on, we're going somewhere." He stated. I followed them back to the car and we drove off to a nice restaurant.

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