28- Getaway

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"Sam." I spoke up gently.

"I'm not mad. I know I seem like I am, but I'm not."

"I know that, Sam. You need time to process and everything. I know I'm just throwing this onto you." I explained.

"It's ok. I really am happy. I'm gonna be a dad." He said with a smile and a slight tear forming in his eye.

"You're really ok with this? I know I brought this up at a sucky time. I just figured if I don't have to hide my powers anymore then I shouldn't have to hide this either."

"You've been hiding this? How long?" He asked. He hated hearing me keep things in and he seemed upset that I didn't tell him right away.

"A few days I think." It was probably more like a week or so because I checked and found out a couple days after we were married. "I just didn't want to bring it up with all the power stuff."

"I understand. I mean it. I'm happy. Why do you seem upset?" He questioned. I hadn't really noticed the tear that was falling down my face. "Baby, come here." I went from my standing position to sitting next to him on the couch. "Talk to me. Why are you upset?"

"Partly because I didn't know how you or Dean would take this, and also because of everything that's been going on. It's been hectic and crazy and I know a baby complicates things. I don't want to make things more complicated than they already are." I explained softly.

"We'll make it work, ok? And both Dean and I are happy. We're here for you through this whole process. Are you feeling ok?" He added.

"I'm feeling ok. Just really glad you're happy. I love you. Would you mind giving me a sec with Dean?" Sam shook his head no and I walked in to Dean. I was seriously dreading this conversation.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I have a question. It might take some researching but I didn't know if you'd know the answer already." I started vaguely. He nodded. "So, if when Sam and I made this baby I had my powers, would that mean our child has the powers too?" I asked.

"You had sex before we cured you?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know the cure would work. I'm sorry." I replied.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm just making sure we're on the same page. As much as I hate to say this, my guess is he or she probably will have the powers. We know how to cure them, but we'd have to wait until they're older or the pain would kill them." Dean reasoned.

"I apologized because I shouldn't have done that while I had the powers. I thought about the risk and did it anyways. If he or she has the powers I guess we'll have to teach them to control them." I agreed.

"Don't apologize for that. You didn't know we'd find a cure. It'll be ok. Just take it a step at a time. Tell Sam what we're thinking, then just take it easy and don't worry about having this baby, just focus on helping us with research stuff."

"Thanks." He nodded and I went to tell Sam what Dean and I just discussed. "Sam, I have something to add about all of this."

"What is it?"

"We're pretty sure that this baby is gonna have the powers. I had the powers when we did this and I didn't think about it. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I kind of figured. Don't apologize. We'll make it work. Don't let it stress you out. We're taking this a day at a time." He consoled as he rubbed my shoulder lightly. The 3 of us hung out the rest of the day and just watched tv and let it be a sort of de-stress day.

The next day we were researching all day when I thought of something I wanted to do. I pulled it up in a tab on the laptop I was using while I had research up in another. I did some searching and made sure they weren't getting suspicious and weren't able to see what I had pulled up. After a while I spoke up. "Hey Sam?"

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