Chapter 24: Garte

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~Ziannas pov~

Well it was late and (Y/n) left the key for me and Garte. We walk into her house it was nice and super cute, she left us some food and deserts. 

"So Zianna my love, sence you saw the boys last how are they doing?" Garte asks me. 

"Oh there fine Garte and (Y/n) is a sweet girl. Hopefuly you will like her."

"If Zane is happy then im fine with that. So this is her old house?"

"Yes it is dear she lives with Zane now tomarrow we are going to suprise them so why dont we just head to bed." I tell him after were done eating of corse and we do. Tomarow we are going to suprisze our boys and Im going to be so happy when they see there farther!

~Your pov~Next morning~

I got up early making sher not to wake Zane or May. I had to take off my ring so Zianna would not say anything and walk over to my house to meat up with Zianna. "Hello (Y/n)," she says and hugs me. 

"Hi Zianna," I say huging her back. "So il bring them over at 10ish so be ready for them okay?" 

"Yes dear and Garte is so excited to meet you. Hes asleep now but im so happy to see you." She says huging me again. "Now go back home and get my boys for me. Oh how I wish you where my daughter," She says holding me. 

"Bye Zianna Ill see you soon." I tell her and walk back to Zanes and she walks back inside. At Zanes house I made brekfast and texted Garroth and Vlad.

~Grupe message starts~ (G-Garroth, V-Vlad, Y-You)

Y- Hey can you guys come over to Zanes house at 10?
G-What for?
Y-I need help moving boxes from my house to his.
V-Oh, ya I can just have food ready.
G-Vlad really! Actuly ya have some food ready and we will be right over.
Y-Thanks guys it means alot comming from my soon to be Brother-in laws C=
G-Your welcom (Y/n)
V-Ya any time ill be over as soon as im actuly awake....
Y-Oh ya its pritty early sorry. See you soon!
G and V- Bye see you soon! 

~End text~

"May come here lets go for a walk." I say getting May's lesh on. "See you soon Zane," I say and kiss his cheak, he smiles as I walk out to take May for her walk. May saw Aphmau and Celeste and riped the lesh out of my hand. "MAY!" I scream running after her. 

"Oh good mornning (Y/n) Is everything okay?" Aphmau asks me.

"Everything is fine." I say and pick up May. "I have to get home thow and make brekfast for Zane Garroth and Vlad. There helping me move boxes today."

"Do you need any more help?" Aph asks me and I shake my head. "I got this besides I have a suprise for them. Promess you wont tell because I need to tell someone." Aphmau promesses and so I tell her. "So Zianna is in town alont with Garte there farther!" I wisper to her and she jumps up. 

"Oh my Irean thats exciting!" She wisper yells, "Dont worry I wont tell anyone. Do there parents know you and Zane are-"

"getting marrade no they dont and I want to tell them but maby later." 

"(Y/n) its not good to keep serkerts from your future family." Aphmau says and she was right so I had to tell them sooner then later. "Well me and Celesta need to go back home Ill see you around (Y/n) HAve fun today!" She says running after Celistia. 

"Well she is right,*sigh* come on May lets head back home and get ready for a long day ahead." I say and it was going to be a long day.  

Back at home I make coffee and pancakes. Garroth and Vlad sayed they would come at 9:30 to eat then we would grab boxes. "Goodmorning (Y/n)," Zane says huging me from behind. "So what the plan for today?"

"I called your brothers to help move some boxes today, do you think you can help too?" I ask turning to face him. He nods his head and takes a plate of food. "Well good," I say kissing him. 

"(Y/n) what has you excited today?" He asks but I cant tell him his suprise. 

"Its nothing Im just really happy today."

"Are you pregnant?" He asks.

"ZANE!" I scream at him and he just laughts. "No Im not did you want a kid?"

"Ya i mean it would be nice to have a baby around but maby after the wedding," He says then a knock came on the door. "Should I get it?" He asks but I left to get it.

"Hey (Y/n) were here!" Garroth says I hug him and Vlad. "Thanks guys for the help now go eat its pancakes and bacon." after saying that they ran in and grabed a plate of food. I walk into the kition to see all of them stuff there faces. "Wow you all must of been hungry," I say grabing me a plate of food too. 

"So how many boxes are there?" Vlad asks me as I chew my food so I just put up 5 fingers. "Okay well when were are done eating we can go." He say again and sence im done I deside to go change.

I put on somthing casule, jens and a t-shirt, And walk downstaars. "Ready boys?" I ask them, they nod so we walk over to my house. "Oh where is my key!" I shout leting Zianna and Garte know to hide. "Oh here it is," I say and un lock the door. 

"SUPRIZE!!" Zianna screams running up to her boys. "Oh it so good to see my boys again!"

"MOM!" They all shout in unision hugging there mom. "Is Dad here?" they ask Zianna nods her head and Garte comes from around the conner. "Hello sir its a pleser to meat you," I say holding my hand out for him. (This is how I piture there dad and if im rong im sorry) He kindove looked like Garroth. "My name is (Y/n)," 

"What a lovely name im Garte." He says shacking my hand and then sees the ring. "What a lovely ring you have there," 

"Well thanks Zane got it for me," I say and look back at Zane. Zane walks up to me and his farther, "Farther I am actually marring (Y/n)," He says then all we here is Zianna yell.

"AHHHHHHAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHH! Oh this is so exciting (Y/n) When where you going to tell me?!!!"

"Zianna we have only bean engaged for a day I have not even started to plan," I say laughing then look back at Garte. "Sir Im excited to be your future daughter in-law." I say. 

"Like wise." he mumbles under his breath hoping noone hurd it but I did. "So what is the plan for today I want to get to know my doughter in-law?"

"Well me and (Y/n) planded a girls day for us and a boys day for you then we meat up at our favorit restrant dearest." Zianna says pulling me away. "Bye boys have fun! Call if you need somthing!" She says and puls me out the door. Im guessing we are going to the mall and byeing me another outfit, grate.... -_-" 

Well I hope you like todays chapter next one will be out asap and like I sayed I piture Garte looking kindove like Garroth but had a personality like Zane. 

But like always Stay happy not crappy, stay in school dont do drugs and I LOCE YOU!!! <3

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