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Jeonghan ~

He's lying. That's all that's running threw my head. Do I want to believe Seungcheols little confession, yes, but i don't know if I can. I've never seen him act like that before and it scared me. It was all to familiar to me. Before becoming a trainee lets just say my home life wasn't picture perfect. A battered and beaten mom and a drug addict father. A poor household filled with unbearable loneliness and terror. Do any of the members know? Of course not. The company took me in after my audition promising me a ticket to a better life and I didn't want to bring those memories with me.

" are you coming?" Seungcheol asked reaching for my hand. I immediately broke from my thoughts and took his hand acting like everything was fine. I'll just play it cool and try to forget this. Hopefully. Even though an eerie similarity of my father lingers over my once beloved Seungcheol.

We both walked into the living room where the members were all gathered. I didn't know if we were giving all the details or if we were just giving a little conclusion. I sat on the arm of the couch next to the8. His face red from crying and I immediately felt bad. I rubbed his back and he leaned on me a little snuggling my side. The whole group was looking at cheol and I with wide eyes waiting for an explanation of what they'd seen. I myself really couldn't describe that moment but maybe they'll understand.

Cheol finally spoke up," look guys Jeonghan and I kind of had a fight it was something completely stupid and isn't worth going into detail about but I do want you all to know is that I'm sorry, as a leader I should never raise a hand or treat any of you the way I treated Jeonghan tonight and it will never happen again." He said looking everyone in the eye.

If I wouldn't of been the one who was in the fight I would've believed him, but being me I still didn't trust it. What if just like my father he apologizes but turns around and does something worse. I could tell the members had a lot of questions and they kept looking at me for answers. They looked worried but I was still shaken up.

" why were you fighting?" Dk finally asked what everyone had been dying to know.

" we'd been ignoring each other and we tried to talk and it got out of hand." I said trying to be discreet but believable. Cheol looked at me thankful that I spoke up but I just looked back at everyone. For awhile the group just seemed to let the news sink in. The tension in the room seemed to subside little by little.

" I think we should all head to bed. It's late and we have to start preparing for our performance soon." Cheol said and everyone got up heading to their rooms. When everyone was gone Woozi came up to me.

" are you sure your okay?" He asked I just nodded and headed to my room.

I walked in and Cheol was sitting on the edge of his bed. When he saw me walk in he smiled sadly. He walked over to me and hugged me. My heart pounded in my chest. I didn't hug him back but I did lean in to him. Honestly I do love him still I'm just being stubborn.

When he realized I wasn't going to hug back he let go and just looked at me. I started to walk to my bed and laid down. He still stood there staring.

" Jeonghan your still angry right?" He said walking over to my bed.

" if I say yes are you going to jump on me again?" I asked sarcastically.

" please don't be like that I'm sorry okay. I'm really sorry." He said putting his hand on my calf.

" Seungcheol I want to believe you but my dad used to hit my mom and...it started out just like this. The first time he didn't mean to then it'll never happen again he'd say he was sorry but he always did it again. I just can't trust that." I said telling Cheol something no one else knew. Even if we were fighting he still kept learning more and more about me. I still find myself opening up to him even when angry.

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