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While writing this chapter I started naming off people and where they were sitting and I was going to put a little note in the story saying that they were my ships but I decided to just put it at the top.

Ships: HoZi aka SoonHoon, China line aka Jun and the8,Meanie aka wonwoo Mingyu , I kinda ship Vernon and seungkwan but I low key like Dino and Vernon so a little HanKwanDi, idk what to do with Joshua and dk cause I definitely don't ship those to together so idk yet and jeongcheol which is what this story is supposed to be about which I feel like I'm doing a bad job of portraying it so might as well add more shit to it!! ✊🏼


I stayed back the rest of the walk. I kept thinking about Jeonghan and me. How would I ask him to be mine. Does even still want to? I was completely oblivious to everything going on if it was not about Jeonghan.

When we got back to the dorm all the members were sprawled out in every direction jumping up and down cheering on wonwoo and jun playing just dance. After that everyone calmed down a bit to breathe and munch on snacks.

" what movies did you get hyung." Dk said scooting over so Jeonghan and I could sit.

" I don't know Dino has the bag." I said sliding as far away from Jeonghan as possible causing him to chuckle.

" I'm not telling what I got cause you all were mean. You'll just have to wait and see!" He said smirking. I laughed and everyone glared at me. After that the tournament continued. Everyone flailed around to the songs beating each other out one by one. I got beat by Joshua who suddenly got super cocky and teased me. It was pretty fun. The last person to go was Jeonghan. He strutted his way over to the open space and chose his opponent. He looked around the room and decided to choose Woozi. They both whispered something to each other and then nodded. I gulped feeling a bit nervous. They picked a really upbeat song I didn't recognize. They both started shaking there butts and twisting to the beat. Woozi was better than Jeonghan but Jeonghan looked so fine. His hips swayed and he glanced back at me a few times licking his lips. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was trying to rile me up. I noticed Woozi kept looking at Hoshi which made me a little happy. Woozi's always worried about the group so seeing him flirt is a new and refreshing sight. After they'd finished we all cheered for them. They both just bowed and laughed. We were all having a great time. Minghao was even talking again, not to Jun but him talking made my heart warmer.

Dino was finally happy when all the members decided to watch the movies he picked out. Jeonghan and Joshua were sitting in front of the couch I was curled up on the edge leaning against the arm. Hoshi and Woozi were sitting extremely close to each other to my left. On the other couch wonwoo was cuddle up to Mingyu almost already asleep. Jun and minghao actually were sitting in the same area on the floor and Vernon and seungkwan sat against my couch next to Jeonghan and Joshua leaving a tiny space between them where Dino could squeeze in.

" what are we watching Dino?" Jeonghan calls out.

" Nemo!" He says running to go sit in his spot. Everyone groans loudly.

" why the hell did you go to the movie place if we were going to watch this bull--"

" wonwoo watch your profanity!" Mingyu says hitting him causing wonwoo to pout.

" I was just kidding hyung.." Dino said leaning into Hansol and seungkwan leaning into him. Hansol wrapped his arms around the two.

" good!" Dk says plopping next to Joshua.

" where were you?" Joshua asks.

" I was on the phone..." Dk answers nervously.

I knew something was up but then I heard the theme song to my favorite movie of all time. The sponge bob movie.

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