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Seungcheol was all I could think about after all the craziness died down. After hours of being questioned by the police about the crazy girls motives and reasoning for me being her target and about the stalker texts, I'd finally got to rest. It turns out the crazy girl was Seungcheols ex, the one Seunghee had told me about, Seola. It kind of made sense why she hated me, although any sane person would've just ignored their ex's new partner. I smiled to myself in the dark of the hospital room, I'm Seungcheols partner the one he loves, that's all I've wanted and now we have a chance to be happy. No more interruptions just us and our relationship.

" um Jeonghan hyung?" Jun said knocking on the wooden door. I sighed, he just had to interrupt my thoughts of Seungcheol.

" yeah?" I asked sitting up and facing jun. He came in and sat next to my bed.

" how are you feeling?" He asked looking worried which scared me a little.

" um fine I guess a little tired..." I said questioningly. He was acting strange and with all the stuff that happened I couldn't stand to have information not told to me," is there something going on?" I asked and he looked me in the eyes with a joyful light in his.

" the doctor told us we shouldn't over excite you or you could start getting head aches and maybe even faint so breath first." He said mimicking the way pregnant people breath when they have babies. I laughed doing the same. It put me at ease just to play around since my life hasn't been this calm in awhile.

" okay I'm calm so what is it?" I asked.

" well your precious baby is out of surgery and is fully awake now and the doctors say that Seungcheol hyung is going to be perfectly fine, maybe a little pain but other than that fine." He said smiling as wide as id ever seen. I soon found myself doing the same. I could finally do it, be happy. I'll have my Precious baby Dino and my big baby Seungcheol and all the other members and the fans, I'll definitely get my bit of happiness. I leaned over and hugged jun, then I told him to help me from the bed. 

Although everything was pretty much okay I got a little light headed when I walked around. I was glad when Jun and I stopped at the door right next to mine. I sighed and stared at the door. Earlier before the cops questioned me the boys were all attached to my hip and wouldn't let me breath, I'm kind of scared they'll do it again. I know they missed me but I was stuck in basically a closed off cave and I want to be able to breath instead of being closed off or in tight spaces. I looked at jun who nodded in encouragement and I sighed again opening the door. When I walked in all eyes were on me, smiling faces beaming bright. I was ready for them to jump on me again but I noticed manager hyung was shaking his head at them, he must have told them to give me space or something. I smiled seeing Dino laying in a ball facing Hansol who sat in a chair next to the bed and Seungkwan who was sitting on his lap. He looked so adorable.

" Dino look Eomma is here!" Seungkwan said patting Dino's head. My little baby looked up at me and his lips started shaking. He looked so cute crying like a real baby seeing his 'mom' for the first time in awhile. It made my legs feel weak when his little sobs choked out and he threw his arms open for a hug, I dashed over immediately.

" eo -eomma! I th-thought we were dead!" He cried out as I swooped in and cradled him in my arms. I managed to squeeze myself into his bed to hold him better. He cried harder while I patted his back telling him we were okay.

" it's okay baby we're fine now everyone is safe and healthy." I said smiling so he might to but instead he looked at me with a serious expression.

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