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After I got out the shower I walked into Seungcheol and my room hoping to not be attacked again. To my luck he wasn't there. But if he wasn't here where was he? I got dressed and dried my hair. Not once did he come back. When I'd finished I noticed a note on my bed.


Jeonghannie, angel, I left the dorms for awhile I'll be back around 5:00 make sure to be rested up when I get home. We're going to have some fun tonight. 
Love cheol

What did he mean fun? Like sexual fun? Where did he even go? I checked my phone seeing that it was 3:40. He hadn't been gone long. I left my room to find my special informant, Joshua. He'll definitely tell me what's up. I walked into the kitchen, not there, I checked the living room he wasn't there. Is everyone gone? Some of the younger members were watching tv and playing games but still no Joshua.

" dk do you know where Joshua is?" I asked leaning on the back of the couch.

" I think he's in Hoshi and woozi's room." He said not turning away from the tv.

" Thansks" I said running off to his room.

When I was getting close to the door I heard Joshua talking to Woozi and what sounds like Hoshi. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I heard the most interesting thing.

" Seungcheol"," on a date", "Jeonghan distraction."

Did they say Seungcheol was on a date? With who? Wait didn't he ask me out this morning? They continued to talk but my knees felt weak. Did he say I was a distraction. I let out a long sigh and began to walk off. Joshua flung his door open. I jumped and grabbed my chest.

" jisoos Christ you scared me!" I yelled. He chuckled.

" did you need something." He asked leaning against the door frame. I frowned thinking of what I'd heard them talking about.

" who's at the door?" Woozi said coming over," oh uh Jeonghan what are you doing."

I could tell something was up, if they new Seungcheol was playing with me why were they not telling me.

I put on a sweet fake smile and said," I was just wondering if you knew where coups is?"

They both looked at each other and then to me. It pissed me off that they wouldn't tell me the truth. They were just as bad as cheol.

" he told us he was going to visit his cousin..." Joshua said. When he lies he taps his fingers, he didn't think I knew that but I did. His finger was tapping away. I nodded and I started tearing up, I didn't want the liars to comfort me so I walked away before they could see my eyes. I went back to my room and jumped on my bed. I put my head in my pillows and cried loudly. Everything sucks, our whole friends with benefits type relationship sucks. Now he's dating some girl! Why even bring me into it. I rolled over feeling exhausted from crying and looked up at the ceiling, maybe I'll rest like he said. Just sleep and let these sad feelings go away. I rolled over seeing it was 4:17, only a little while longer until that bastard comes home.


When I arrived back all the members greeted me and I couldn't stop smiling. Everything was going to be perfect. I had a huge bag that the members tried to look in but I told them not to touch it. I left it on the counter and went to Woozi's room finding Joshua, Hoshi, and Woozi.

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