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Everything is going greater than I planned. Jeonghans reaction to the first stage of my plan was adorable as hell. We walked out of the dorms hand and hand. As we walked down the path i stopped and Jeonghan looked back at me. His pretty brown eyes were lite up with excitement. I could feel my heart beat skip. I'm probably the luckiest human in the world.

" uh cheol-ah what are you doing?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice. His eyebrows furrowing. I smiled feeling warm all over.

" just wait a second." I said wiggling my eyebrows and squeezing his hand. He smiled and nodded squeezing my hand back. After a minute a white limo pulled up at the curb. Jeonghans eyes went wide and he jumped up and down squealing.

"Omg you did not!! Cheol!! We're riding in this!?" He nearly yelled with excitement.

"Of course!" I said smiling proudly, " anything for my angel." He smiled so bright I was nearly blinded. I walked over and opened the door for him and he hopped in with a huge smile on his face. I got in after him closing the door behind me. The inside of the limo was black with black leather seats. There was a very very miniature bar in front of the seats, and in the middle of the floor there was karaoke machine the allowed you to plug your phone up and play music. When I got in I noticed Jeonghan was being a little distant. He didn't seem to notice or maybe he wanted to see my reaction. When I noticed he kept glancing my way I knew the second choice was right. So to play along with my sneaky angel I unbuckled my seat belt and scooted very skillfully to where he was. I unbuckled his seat belt and pulled him so close he was nearly sitting on my lap.

" wh-what are you d-doing." He said with a deep blush rising into his cheeks.

" I missed the way you feel against my body." I said groaning in my head at the way it sounded. It was supposed to be smooth but what the hell, I'm not a smooth guy. But for some odd reason it affected Jeonghan just how I wanted it to. He choked on air and turned into a tomato. His lips curled in a cute half smile.

" don't say things like that..." He said hiding his face in his hands. I pulled his hands away so I could see his embarrassed expression. I'm not lying when I say it was the cutest thing in the world.

" your so cute Hannie!" I said wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tight.

" cheol-ahh stop saying cheesy things." He said slightly smiling to himself, I knew he liked the way I was acting. I'll make sure to be more affectionate towards him from now on.

We rode quietly for the rest of the time. Jeonghan tightly clung to my arm while humming along to a song I played off my phone. We giggled hearing one of our own songs pop up. We swayed to the beat together happily. Not once were we apart. Until a chime sounded from my phone. I stopped swaying making Jeonghan frown. I grabbed my phone and checked who it was. It was Joshua. I forgot to tell him about the set up in the dorm! Now the other members will see! I quickly started to text him ignoring Jeonghans little taps on my arm.


Are you two gone already cause we're running out of ways to stall!

Yeah but uh there's kind sticky notes,  rose petals and candles everywhere.

Seriously! You owe me big time hyung! I'll make Hoshi go home and clean it up before we head back...

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