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After a great breakfast spent bonding with everyone we all loaded into the vans, hip hop and performance team in one, vocal team in another. I let everyone in my group get in the van before doing a head count then headed over to the other van only to have Woozi pull me to the side.

" I already head counted. We're all ready to go." He said with an oddly cheerful voice. I tilted my head at him and looked him up and down.

" are you sure your jihoon? What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked scratching my head. He looked around as if checking for someone but then met my gaze again. A weird look in his eye was telling me something was off but I ignored it.

" I'm just excited for the fan sign today." He said. He was acting strange, even this morning he was. All he did was stare at Jeonghan, glare at me, and whisper to Joshua. Did I do something? I was going to ask but our manager began to rush us so we separated and went to get in our vans, I couldn't shake this eerie feeling washing over me.

The ride was seemed to take forever. Everyone was being super loud talking about how excited they were and how much fun we were going to have. Although I wanted to enjoy I kept thinking of the way Woozi fidgeted around and looked uncomfortable, but when Vernon began imitating seungkwans part I couldn't help but laugh at him. As the ride proceeded I felt happy seeing everyone smiling i felt like a family. All my kids laughing and playing happily while I watch over them. My precious Jeonghan always staying with me and keeping my heart a flutter. All I wanted was for him to be happy. The way he acted this morning,the cute little giggles he let slip, the sparkle in his eyes when the members called him eomma, the way he'd smile at me looking completely content, that's what I wanted in life. I sighed daydreaming about the beautiful boy I'd see soon. Hoping that we'd have enough time to relax and talk before the fan sign started. But my dreams were interrupted.

" hey hyung?" Hoshi said coming to sit across the isle from me.

" what's up?"

" Dk texted me asking me to ask you why Joshua and Jeonghan weren't riding with everyone to the event." He said looking confused when my eyes widened. I wasn't sure myself, Woozi said everyone was  accounted for . Why would he lie? Instead of displaying anymore types of of confusion I smiled trying to seem normal.

" manager said Jeonghans hair got knotted and that Joshua was trying to help him fix it." I lied trying to sound convincing. Hoshi nodded seeming to believe me but i wasn't to sure. He soon went back to his original seat and began to play around again. As soon as he did I texted Woozi.


To: Woozi(demon) 👹
Why did you say everyone was in there when Jeonghan and Joshua stayed behind?

From: Woozi(demon) 👹
Because they needed to talk..

To: Woozi(demon) 👹
Why couldn't they talk at the event? I thought we were better friends but you lied to me man not cool...

From: Woozi(demon) 👹
Because it was a private conversation Seungcheol. I thought we were better friends to but yet you broke a promise.

To: Woozi(demon) 👹
What are you talking about? I didn't break any promise and what was so private that they had to be alone and late to our event?

From: Woozi(demon) 👹
Here you go lying again. Look we both know the truth and honestly I can't be friends with someone like you so I can handle being in the same group with you but don't talk to me. Bye...

I stared down at my phone completely confused. What did I do to him? I don't remember breaking any promises between us. Especially nothing so important that he'd never want to speak with me again. The thing with Joshua scared me too. Maybe Joshua was confessing to Jeonghan. I always assumed he had a small crush on him but I didn't think he'd go after him while we were dating. I sat in my seat glaring at the back of the one in front of me. Jihoon was probably in on it as well, after 6 years of friendship he just decides to jump ship. I thought we were better than that. Angry, I tossed my phone into the floor and crossed my arms. This is all a bunch Of bullshit!

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