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This boy will be the death of me. Seungcheol and I walked hand in hand into the beautiful restaurant. His cousin, who was like the female version of him, was leading. My mouth dropped when I saw the extremely elegant but cozy decor. It was absolutely astonishing. I wanted to tell Seungcheol that this place looked to expensive but I didn't want to hurt his man pride, you know that thing that makes guys think that they have to do the most outrageous things to get attention. Which for some reason I don't have, probably cause I'm secretly a woman or something.

I was snapped out my thoughts at Seunghee's sudden outburst," I had a table waiting but since Seungcheol here made you late I had to give it away." Seunghee said frowning at cheol. I laughed. The relationship between them was sweet. I wanted siblings growing up but it never happened, I was a lonely kid.

" come on don't make me feel bad Seunghee!" He said looking over at me apologetically. I just smiled not really paying attention to their small conversation.

" just wait here until the couple finishes, they just got their food so it might be a while, sorry!" She said running off to help one of her workers. I liked her, she was a lot like Seungcheol.

Seungcheol and I took a seat on wooden bench in the waiting area. Our arms remained linked together since we got here. It felt really comfortable and natural like it was something we did everyday, which I hope after tonight we would. Maybe even show more types of affectionate gesture instead of playing them off as accidents in front of the members.

While waiting I got a chance to look around. The main dining area was large with about 50 tables. Each table was wooden, it looked to be the same type of wood as the cabin like exterior was made of, with flowers and candles on top. Everything looked nice and homely, but the fish they were serving made me drool. Three or four trays filled with plates of fried fished passed by leaving a delicious smell. Before I could attempt to stop it, my stomach growled loudly making me quickly turn my head to Seungcheol.

" I uh-" I said flustered. He laughed showing off his adorable dimples. I hide my face in his arm and he laughed again. Why did embarrassing things happen to me.

" awe is my angel hungry. I'm sorry I made us miss our table." He said sounding amused when I tightened my grip on his arm.

" I-I'm not that hungry...." I said but my stomach decided to growl again. Fuck you tummy!

" oookay...." He said sarcastically. He pulled his arm out of my hold revealing my red face. I looked away from him and he just smiled. We sat awkwardly with him gazing at me and me trying not to smile as he made goofy faces.

" stop being silly and give me your arm back." I said roughly yanking at his arm. Instead he wrapped it around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. I liked that position better so I leaned into him eagerly until he decide to tease me.

He pulled me so close that I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin. Then he leaned down dangerously close to my ear sending shivers down my spin and whispered in a deep sexy voice,"your being so demanding right now,  your the one who'll be following orders later on..."

My heart almost stopped. It felt like something got caught in my throat and I couldn't breath. Like you know when your crying and trying to explain what happened but words won't come out, that's what I felt like.

" c-cheol-ahh Im so-" I said before he stood up seeing his cousin coming. He turned around smirking and winked. They started talking and all I could do was fumble around trying not to think about him ordering me to do....things....not so angel-like things.

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