Chapter 6

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"Hi." I came through the door, glad to be where I was now in my life. It's been two weeks since Louis and Ivy 'hired' me to regularly babysit. I've been coming over at least twice a week for an hour or two and in the weekends I spent a bit more time there. The great thing was, that my parents went with me in the weekend for an hour and I could see my father and Ivy bonding. They finally had something in common. I've bonded really well with the babies, more with Marcel than Daisy, as she slept a lot more than Marcel, which was interesting to me. Maybe it had something to do with Marcel's health problems. I still don't know exactly what went wrong. We spent a lot of time looking at each other, smiling when I tickled his feet and even a couple of times crying. I hated those times, though.

I'd like to think that I was indeed helping. While I was with the babies, Ivy was just running around, cleaning the place up and taking care of everything else. I felt sorry for her. She looked like a ghost, like she didn't sleep in days and like she didn't have a proper meal in days as well.

"Hi, Harry, I'm SO glad you're here. I need to have a break from all this crying." Ivy yelled from the other room, while she was changing Daisy's diaper. I knew she was kind of kidding so I laughed. I got to know her a bit as well. She wasn't all bad, like I thought she was. I can't even believe I thought this way a month ago, still. But I must admit that so much has changed since then. Now I spent more time with her, I saw that she actually cared about something else than herself and she actually started asking me about me. Now she knew things about me and I knew things about her. We were usually alone with the babies, as Louis was coming home late, just in time for dinner, when I was already at home as well.

"Harry, the Saviour is here!" I came into the room, after I washed my hands. Daisy was now clean of poop and Marcel was just lying in his crib. "So what's the plan? Should I put them to sleep or did they just wake up?" I asked and I could see Ivy was already in some other place.

I took Daisy out of Ivy's hands and then she snapped out of it. She explained the plan to me and then she left to do, what she had to do. I played with Daisy and tickled her feet. It was nice bonding with her too. I loved them both so much. Every time I spent time with them, I was more confused with the people who didn't like kids. Sure, they can annoy you and make you lose your mind sometimes, but they are so innocent and precious. Especially little ones.

This thought got me thinking, when I was a little seven year old kid and my mum played hide and seek with me. I was running, to check myself safe and I fell. I scrapped my knee and there was blood. She quickly picked me up and sat me on her lap. She blew on the bruise and when she cleaned the wound, she kissed it better. After, she told me a story of a couple that desperately wanted kids. 'They tried and they tried, but nothing happened. They prayed and cried and asked for a miracle. Then it happened. The prayer was heard and soon they got a baby. It was a beautiful baby. It was a miracle. A beautiful miracle.' And the end of the story she said something that will always stick with me. 'Every child loves purely and every child deserves to be loved purely, as they are all a miracle. A beautiful miracle.'

So I loved my cousins. I loved them purely.

"So, today Louis is coming home sooner than usual. When he gets home, I'll be going shopping for food, just to get some time alone, so if maybe you could stay an hour more than usual, it would be very much appreciated. But we'll understand if you can't." Ivy's head popped though the door, catching me off my guard but I quickly understood what she said. "Of course, I'd be happy to stay more. You definitely deserve some 'you' time." I smiled at her and she smiled back, thanking me.

She continued with her work and I continued playing with the babies. Soon their eyelids became heavy and Daisy fell asleep first. Marcel followed a couple of minutes after and I felt so grateful that he fell asleep in my hands. I carried him a couple minutes more and then I put him down next to Daisy. I walked to the table and slowly and as quietly as possible I took my Math books out of the backpack. I sat down and calmly started doing homework. I was focused, but focused just enough, that I still heard every move in the house.

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