Chapter One: I had to keep Karen away from me.

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I stood close to Arthur but not like I was directly on him as Uther was standing alongside Arthur and I knew I needed to keep a certain distance but I couldn't help but notice Arthur kept looking over at me which made me smile.

The guests stood in front of Uther and Arthur looking pleased that Arthur had finally shown up. "Sorry for the wait but I like you to meet my son prince Arthur," smiled Uther.

Four guests had come to visit Camelot three men and one woman. I had no idea why they were here yet but I was likely going to find out soon. "Nice to meet you Arthur, I am Lee the king of Alight," he smiled.

I had never heard of such a place but he must be important as Arthur bowed to him and they shook hands. Arthur stared over at me and the young woman stared over at me too which made me feel on edge.

"We are happy to have you all here and while you are staying here if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask," smiled Uther.

"I do not like to seem rude but is there any chance we could borrow a servant as ours are ill and that is why they are not with us now," said Lee.

"Oh of course you can that is not a problem," smiled Uther.

"Can I have that one father?" asked the young woman pointing directly at me. I gulped and felt routed to the spot with everyone now staring at me.

"Merlin is my son's servant and happens to be the most loyal one too. I would not have a problem as I know he would serve you well but it is my sons decision as every other servants he has had never works out," laughed Uther.

Arthur looked at me and I didn't say a word I just lookied right back at him, wondering if he would allow his father to do this like he normally would. I thought maybe this once since we are married now he would tell his father no.

"I am sure that would be fine for a few days while they are staying," smiled Arthur.

"It will be for about a week," said Lee.

I shuddered. How can I bear a week completely away from Arthur and to be stuck with a young looking woman who I have a bad feeling about? Why couldn't Arthur just stand up to his father for once? I am his husband and still he can't do it.

"That should be fine," said Arthur as he looked over at me with an expression that was saying I am so sorry. I stopped looking at him because I was a little cross with him right now.


"How could you do this to me?" I argued as I sat down on his bed.

"It's only a week Merlin. Besides we have to be careful anyway with visitors," said Arthur.

"Yeah but now we have even less time with each other. I love you Arthur and I can't bear to be away from you that long and this is going to kill me."

"Don't be dramatic Merlin," said Arthur as he sat down next to me on the bed and took my hand and went in for a kiss but I pulled away from him and he looked disappointed.

"Arthur why couldn't you just say no," I said to him.

"Merlin you said you knew that my father may come first sometimes," said Arthur.

"Yeah sometimes not every single bloody day, we are married and I want to spend time with you but this week that seems impossible now," I said angrily.

"Come here Merlin, it will be alright I promise," said Arthur as he pulled me back towards him and our lips touched. I wanted to pull away again but he was embracing me and I didn't know when I get this chance again so I kissed him back.

Merlin: Destiny and Married (BoyXBoy Sequel to Merlin's Love Triangle)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum