Chapter Twenty Two: The Broken king

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Merlin’s POV

Arthur and I headed back to his chambers. I already began to miss Helen....I would never forget my sister again. I saw Arthur looking over at me. “It’s messy in here Merlin,” said Arthur.

I looked around and agreed. I hadn’t had a chance to do my chores with the wedding and everything that had happened before hand. Arthur’s clothes filled most of the ground including what we wore for the wedding. The floor would need a good clean too and Arthur’s bed needed making.

I know there are a hundred other things to do to. I guess I better get to work. “I’ll be straight on it Arthur,” I said as I headed towards the bed, as I got to it and went to make it Arthur wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t go anywhere.

“Arthur,” I said confused.

“Yes Merlin,” he whispered into my ear.

“I’m trying to do my chores,” I said to him.

“I can see that,” he teased me.

“So let me go!” I shouted at him.

“Nah...I don’t think so,” said Arthur as he pulled me onto the bed. Arthur began to kiss me on the lips and moved towards my ear.

“Arthur no....Arthur!” I shouted but it was too late.

“Oh see your body is telling me you’re horny,” laughed Arthur as he looked down below.

“Arthur I got chores to do..........” I stopped as he placed his hands on top of my privates.

“They can wait a little longer...can’t they,” Arthur said teasing me even more as he placed his hand down my trousers. I nodded my head and that was when we began to strip.

Once all our clothes were on the floor we chucked the covers over us before we began to kiss each other. Arthur began to move down my naked chest towards my privates. His mouth reached them and he began to suck. I groaned in pleasure.

“Oh yes Merlin,” he said.

“Arthur.....I want to do it today,” I said to him.

“Oh really? But I find it so much better when I’m pleasuring you,” he grinned. I shook my head and I used all my strength to turn him over on the bed and before he could stop me I put my privates into his bum. Arthur groaned with pleasure.

“That’s what I am talking about,” I whispered to him.


“Arthur get off,” I laughed as Arthur chased me around the chamber with both of us still having no clothes on. Arthur caught me and began to kiss me and rub up against me.

We pulled apart and grabbed out clothes. As Arthur and I chucked our trousers on we leaned into each other again and kissed. Without any warning the chamber door burst open to reveal a few knights and....UTHER!

“Arrest him now!” shouted Uther at me. I didn’t know what to do. I looked at Arthur in shock but he just stood there. “Arthur,” I said to him. He didn’t even look at me he was looking at his father.

“How dare you do this to be Arthur? How dare you go behind my back and marry.....him! Not only a stupid servant but a man? Have you lost your mind? Morgana maybe many things but at least she didn’t do this to me,” said Uther.

“What....? Morgana has nothing to do with this!” I shouted as the two knights grabbed me. Uther stormed over to me and slapped me around the face.

“Don’t you dare speak to me like that? I’m your king and you will pay for this!” he shouted in my face.

“You can’t break me and Arthur up. We are in love and you can’t change that,” I said as the knights dragged me towards the exit of the chamber.

Merlin: Destiny and Married (BoyXBoy Sequel to Merlin's Love Triangle)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin