Chapter Nine: Now we are even

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WARNING- Sex scene (quite detailed)


Merlin’s POV

Arthur helped me back onto his horse as I felt weak still. I have asked Helen to let Light ride with her which she gladly said she would do which I am truly grateful about. As Arthur got on behind me we shared a kiss between each other before we set of back towards Camelot.

There is no sign of Morgana or Morgause so I think whatever Helen did has seemed to have scared them off. I’ve always known my sister as brave, true hearted and will do anything to rescue the people she loves. I owe her my life and I have to repay her somehow.

“Helen what have you made of yourself?” I asked her as we continued towards Camelot.

“I loved Cenred with all my heart. I’m not sure how he got killed but when he did I became queen,” I said to him.

“I had heard that from my father that after Cenred died someone took over from him, a queen. You must be the queen, small world,” said Arthur.

“Indeed I am.”

“Morgause killed Cenred,” I told her.

“Morgause I didn’t know that. I don’t understand what exactly happened?” she asked me.

All the way back to Camelot I explained to her about the cup of life and how in the end Morgause had killed Cenred as he tried to go against her. Helen looked like she was going to cry and I had no idea what to say.

“Don’t worry, Helen. You are welcome in Camelot for as long as you want and also you got your pay back on her,” said Arthur.

“Morgause has affected my life more than anything and I hardly know her. Not only has she killed the one I love she nearly sent my brother into his death,” Helen cried.

“I’m fine, I survived. I know we can’t bring Cenred back and I am sorry about that,” I said to her.

“We were never fond of Cenred we admit honestly. He worked alongside Morgause and Morgana and he kidnapped Elyan to get Gwen to bring me to rescue him,” said Arthur.

“I was there too and it was lucky we escaped,” I said.

“I still can’t believe you knew about Morgana betraying me and you had to go up against her all that time on your own,” said Arthur.

“I had no choice but too. I stopped her and that is what matters. Anyway we didn’t like him that much; sis but we still didn’t want him dead. If someone like you could have changed his heart for the better then even more so,” I said to her.

 “Thank you for telling me the truth. It seems we have all suffered by Morgause and Morgana’s hand. Let’s hope for a better future,” said Helen wiping her tears away.

“Do you think you will be able to forge an alliance with my father?” asked Arthur.

“I could for you Arthur. I wouldn’t do it for him I’ve heard how he is. I have magic and if he was to find out he would never do it,” said Helen.

“Well its best you don’t tell him that then,” laughed Arthur.

“You keep a lot from your father?” asked Helen.

“I do and it’s best that way. I love Merlin with all my heart and he is my husband one day he will stand beside me and everyone must accept that. My father will never though. I’ll keep this secret; Merlin’s secret of magic and yours until I know I can reveal it. I will die for both of you before I tell someone your secret,” Arthur smiled.

Merlin: Destiny and Married (BoyXBoy Sequel to Merlin's Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now