Chapter Fifteen: Accident

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Arthur’s POV

We have been travelling for a little while. Everyone is silent. Maybe we all have the same thought. What are we to face? I think Percival and Helen know though. Merlin’s mind still seems to be on Gaius a little too. I’m worried about him. I had left Gwen in charge of looking after Gaius and Light.

Light had begged Merlin to bring him but he decided against that considering how shaken Helen seems to be about it. Gwen is good at looking after people and we trust her to keep Gaius and Light safe.

“How far are we travelling?” asked Gwaine.

“Quite a bit,” I said to him.

“What does that mean?” asked Gwaine.

“It means we got a while at least a day or even more,” I explained to him.

“Oh right,” said Gwaine falling silent.

“Merlin are you alright?” I asked my husband beside me. Merlin looked at me and sighed. “Not really,” he told me.

“Anything I can do?” I asked him. He shook his head. “I'm willing to listen,” I said to him.

“I’m fine Arthur!” he shouted at me. I had fallen silent that hurt. I tried to understand how he would be feeling. Merlin always got edgy when we are travelling to somewhere. I thought he didn’t do it as much these days he seemed braver, more out there. Something has got him in a mood but I got no idea what.

Merlin doesn’t seem himself....I’m worried but I tried to ignore that. I’ll let him keep to himself for now but if it carries on I am going to ask him to tell me what is bugging him. I looked over at him and couldn’t help but notice how pale he looked too. Stop worrying, we got this village which is is Merlin. I love him!

Why am I arguing with myself? I’ve lost it. “Why are we all silent?” I said breaking the silence which was beginning to really bug me.

“Maybe its because we got no idea what we are facing,” said Leon.

“Or the fact that we don’t all like to go on and on!” snapped Merlin. Everyone looked at him including me. That one hurt even more then the first dig he had at me. “You don’t normally complain,” I began.

Merlin looked at me. “I’m sorry....I don’t know what came over me,” said Merlin looking away from everyone. What is going on with Merlin? He doesn’t even seem to understand it and now that makes me worry a lot more.

Merlin’s POV

I feel really unwell and on edge. I don’t know why though. I didn’t mean to snap at Arthur, why would I? I love him and everything about him, so why would I get so angry at him. Arthur and I still banter but that’s different we call each other names that’s what we do but this I had clearly been angry at him, I also could tell I hurt his feelings.

I stopped my horse making everyone else stop looking completely confused. I climbed of my horse and took Arthur’s hand. He climbed down of his horse and I kissed him on the lips. “I’m sorry,” I said to him.

“I can never be angry at you Merlin,” smiled Arthur. I then felt weird and collapsed to the floor and Arthur kneeled down beside me. “Merlin are you alright?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” I said getting to my feet. I feel fine now....that’s strange.  “We better keep going,” I said as I got back onto my own horse after Arthur helped me to my feet. Arthur climbed back onto his horse and then we continued.

I looked over at Helen as I noticed her looking at me from the corner of her eye. I smiled at her before I looked forward again. I just hope it doesn’t take a long time to get this village. I still can’t help but worry about what we are to face and I still am concerned about Gaius but Gwen would look after him and Light.

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