Chapter Twenty Three: The tears of Merlin

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Helen’s POV

Percival led me through the mountains. Our honeymoon has been amazing so far. I asked if we could take a walk. “It is beautiful out here,” I smiled as he helped me climb the mountain.

“Not as beautiful as you,” he grinned.

“Stop it...we’re married now you don’t need to win me over,” I laughed.

“I know my lady but I’m not trying too. I’m just telling you the truth.”

“I know you are,” I said as we stopped and I kissed him on the lips. We continued up the mountain until we reached the very top. We could see for miles. I hadn’t seen a sight like it before in my life.

“This is amazing. Thank you Percival,” I smiled.

“I’ll do it every day for you my lady,” said Percival.

“Percival after our honeymoon I want to go back to Camelot. I know we only left a little while ago but....I want to go back. To just check everything is ok. I am worried about what Morgause or Morgana might do,” I said to him.

“Of course we can go back. I miss Camelot too already,” he smiled.

“We’ll just go check on everyone and then I promise we will go back to my kingdom. We need too they must be struggling without me. They know of the news of you being my king and they will wish to meet you,” I smiled.

“I can’t wait my lady.”

Merlin’s POV

The two knights chucked me into the cell locking the door behind me giving me evil looks like they almost couldn’t stand me. I felt the cold straight away since all I had on was my trousers. My feet are bear and so is my chest. The only thing I could cuddle up to would be the hay.....

I sat in the corner of the cell thinking. I should’ve known Morgana would somehow tell Uther about me and Arthur. Gwaine had told her....but why now of all times. It doesn’t make sense.

Or less she believes she can’t kill me herself and has given up with that particular plan. It would be easier to just get Uther to kill me. I can’t believe Arthur just stood there and did nothing. He let those two knights drag me away and let his father speak to him and me like we are nothing.

Arthur did nothing. Why would Arthur do that? Why would be not even look at me....did he feel ashamed of marrying me and being with me now? Had Uther made him believe  me and Arthur shouldn’t be.

Surely he wouldn’t just let Uther kill me? Even if he doesn’t love me but he does love me so I don’t understand. I love Arthur with all my heart and every time everything feels perfect with him, something or someone ruins it. This time its Morgana’s fault but she knew what Uther would do.

With Arthur letting this all happen to me it makes me feel like he doesn’t even care about me. He says he loves me and then does this. What can I do?

I shivered from the cold. As I wrapped my arms around myself to try to keep warm I felt the tears escape my eyes dripping onto my arms. I let them come not really caring right now. Uther wants to kill me. I’ve got to figure out what to do before he does that.


Here you go guys

I've had this written a while but i thought i let you wait a bit XD lol *being a meanie lol*

Hope you liked it any votes or comments would mean a lot thanks

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