Chapter Twelve: It's a surprise

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Merlin’s POV

I had been given a chair to sit on because of my leg and since Uther knew I had got hurt while protecting his son he had even given me a special sit next to Arthur. Helen sat the other side of Uther. I couldn’t help but remember when Morgana use to sit here. How someone can change so much.

“We are gathered here today for a very special occasion. “We have come in here as we are all friends here and this treaty is something to celebrate. Tonight we celebrate our alliance with Helen’s kingdom and Merlin becoming my sons advisor,” said Uther who looked at my sister and then me.

I never knew I would see the day me sitting here so close to Uther and him to not hate me. It made me grin. I remember when Nimueh had poisoned me and he wouldn’t allow Arthur to save a simple servant. Now look at me. I owe this all to my sister and I must thank her later.

“First we sign the treaty,” smiled Uther as Geoffrey came over and put the scroll of parchment in front of Uther and Helen. Uther and Helen began to sign it. I sat back in my chair and Arthur put his hand on my leg. It felt comforting.

Uther and Helen finished signing and shook hands. As they let go the room sounded with noise from clapping to cheering. This day will never be forgotten. Uther left his chair and came over to me and grinned. I smiled back at him. Geoffrey came over to me too.

“Today we also celebrate Merlin becoming Arthur’s advisor. Today marks a new beginning for Arthur and Merlin. They will grow closer in their friendship and in their loyalty to this kingdom,” said Uther.

Geoffrey passed a parchment in a roll and hinted for Arthur to do something. Arthur stood up and handed me something. I looked at it wondering what it is. “This is my seal. You’re my trusted Advisor now and you get to keep it. It shows that your opinion is listened to more and that you are the advisor to the Prince of Camelot as that belongs to me well use too,” smiled Arthur.

Everyone began to clap and cheer again. “Now let’s all enjoy this feast of celebration,” said Uther happily

Everyone began to eat and enjoy their food. Arthur sat down back beside me and took my hand quickly and squeezed to make sure I was alright. I nodded to him to reassure him. He let go and we began to eat. I saw Arthur kept looking at me and I kept grinning at him.

Arthur and I began to drink. It’s a celebration can you really blame us. I spotted Helen talking with Percival and he took her to the dance floor. I sighed. I couldn’t dance with Arthur and it made my heart sink.

“Merlin what is wrong?” asked Arthur.

“Nothing,” I said to him.

“You want to dance don’t you,” said Arthur.

“No,” I whispered.

“You do. Come with me,” said Arthur as he took my head and led me out the room without Uther noticing. We went into the next room but we could still hear the music being played by the band. Arthur put his arm on my shoulder and put his hand on my waste taking the lead.

“Arthur,” I went to talk to him.

“Enjoy the moment. I love you dearly,” said Arthur as we began to dance slowly around the room. I put my head against Arthur’s shoulder. He led me around the room and I enjoyed every second of it. I love Arthur and I can’t ask for anyone better. Arthur will do anything for me.

As they began to play a different song next door we split apart. Arthur kissed me on the lips and touched my bum. “It will have to do us till later,” Arthur laughed before we left the room and headed back into the room with everyone else in. No one noticed we had been gone. I grinned.

I say down at the table and looked at the ring on my hand. No one notices it. The beautiful ring Arthur had given to me. Arthur and I are married. We just never had an open ceremony. Maybe one day. I still couldn’t help but feel a little down and Arthur noticed.

He chucked another drink at me and grinned. “Cheer up, Merlin. Later will be great but for now enjoy this,” smiled Arthur.

“Your right,” I smiled at him.

“I always am,” laughed Arthur and I couldn’t help but tickle him. Uther looked over and Arthur pushed me away. I fell back on my chair and hit the floor.

“Merlin are you alright,” Arthur rushed to the floor to help me back on the chair. Without Uther seeing he kissed me under the table. Once he did that he helped me probably back onto the chair.

“I am so sorry,” said Arthur.

“I shouldn’t have done it. It is my fault,” I explained to him.

“No. It’s mine and I will make it up to you,” said Arthur.

Uther looked over at us and smiled. We nodded so he knew I was fine. “I am sorry about my father. I wish it doesn’t have to be like that,” Arthur began.

“Its fine,” I simply said to him.


When Arthur climbed into the four poster bed next to me after helping me into it he snuggled up to me. I sighed. “Merlin what is the matter?” asked Arthur.

I didn’t want it to affect our relationship. I didn’t want anything too but after pushing me away from him and me falling back had hurt me somehow. Not physically but mentally. He looked at me sadly, “Its about earlier isn’t it. You hate me now don’t you,” as he moved away from me.

I grabbed his hand. “No I can never hate you. I love you. I am sorry for acting weird. Let’s just forget it all but Arthur can we just sleep tonight,” I said. Arthur looked very disappointed as I snuggled against him keeping hold of one of his hands and putting my other arm around him.

“I guess I’ll have to resist that sexy body,” sniggered Arthur touching my stomach. He only did it for a few seconds to tease me before he put his arm around me too. We both closed our eyes to sleep. I didn’t have sex with Arthur that night because I still felt hurt. I couldn’t help it but I didn’t want to make Arthur feel worse either. It’s not his fault. I knew about his father but for some reason today it has affected me and I got no idea why.

Helen’s POV

I had a perfect dance with Percival. I couldn’t ask for more. I am now in my chamber and Percival is sitting on my bed. “Is there anything else I can do for you my lady,” he asked me.

“No I think that is it, Percival. Thank you so much,” I said as I went over to him and took both his hands and kissed him on the lips. He got up and headed towards the door.

“Maybe tomorrow we can go for our second date,” smiled Percival.

“I would love too. Percival where?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise,” he grinned.


Here u go guys i managed to write it hehe

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