Chapter Thirty: Beginning of our happiness

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who has been reading this story

Arthur's POV

 I lay in the double bed against something warm. I felt soft breathing and an arm around me. I opened my eyes to find Merlin lying beside me. My husband and king. I couldn't help but grin at that. I still couldn't believe we had made it here. Somehow things had worked out for us.

 I pushed myself against him taking in his warmth but I seemed to have more than he did. He is quite thin after all and sometimes that worries me but he'll be alright and I'll make sure of that. I closed my eyes feeling like this was where me and Merlin should be forever, together and not a part.

 I heard the chamber door opening and at first I thought it may be an intruder but as I heard the curtains being drawn I knew it to me mine and Merlin's manservant. I heard Merlin grumble and I laughed. He is turning into me. I sat up and looked at him.

 He is the same age as Merlin was when he started serving me but it wouldn't be the same. Merlin and I had a weird relationship but we had liked it and it had brought us to this, somehow. "Hey Harry any chance you could go clean my chainmail and come back in an hour with our breakfast?" I asked him nicely.

 "Of course I can do sire," he said as he bowed and left the chamber as quickly as he could.

 "Merlin," I whispered to him.

 "You sent him away," Merlin mumbled under the covers.

 "I did."

 I felt Merlin shift a bit and turned to face me. His lips touched mine and we began to kiss. Our bodies began to link with each others as we continued. I touched Merlin's bare chest and he touched mine. I began to kiss down Merlin's chest and I felt him get hard down below.

 "Merlin," I managed to say.

 "Yes Arthur."

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

 "For what?" he asked. .

 "To be the kings we need to be?"

"I know we're ready as we got each other," said Merlin as he pulled down my trousers and began to pleasure me with his hand.

 "Oh Merlin stop," I said but it was too late as Merlin pulled down his trousers too flipped me over and put his privates into my backside.


 Harry returned an hour later as Merlin and I got out of bed. He placed two plates of food on the table and we both sat down to eat it. Harry made our bed and got out our clothes to wear.

 "Do you believe in what we are doing?" I asked Harry.

 "You mean with the treaties sire?" he asked.

 "That's what I meant and no need to call me sire, just call me Arthur," I said smiling at Merlin and he grinned.

 "I believe what you are doing is brilliant for this kingdom Arthur."

"We hope so," I said.

 "I don't have hope because I know what we are doing is good," Merlin said taking hold of my hand.

 "You really mean that don't you," I smiled.

 "Yeah of course I do. We can do this. We are doing it," smiled Merlin and I nodded my head to agree with him.

 Merlin's POV

 Arthur and I stood at the steps of the courtyard as guests arrived with Light beside me holding my hand. Helen and Percival came down the steps and arrived beside us. They're going as they need to get back to their kingdom they have been here too long. We want them to stay but we all agreed it be best if they went for their kingdom.

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