I. Coruscant, Again

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*Aure's POV*

The first thing I thought about when I received the news was him. Going back to Coruscant possibly meant seeing him again, after all these years. I was nervous, very nervous, and Padmé noticed this. During the past years, I had talked about Obi-Wan to Padmé, and she must have noticed that there was more than a crush going on. I shouldn't feel like this. It had been ten years! I thought I had accepted that being with him was impossible.

Both Padmé and I decided that it was a good idea to use a decoy, as she had done many times before, for their arrival to Coruscant. Padmé dressed as a pilot to hide herself.

When we arrived at the crowded planet, the decoy senator was the first to exit the spaceship. The moment she set foot on land, an explosion occurred, killing the decoy immediately. I had expected some kind of attack, but not the very second we were at Coruscant.

After we all calmed down, we were sent to the two bedroom apartment in the Senate building where we would spend our days in the planet.

That night, while the maid and I unpacked the suitcases, Padmé asked "Do you think you'll see him?"

Rolling my eyes, I responded "What are you talking about?" I already knew where this conversation was going.

"Master Kenobi, of course!" She took a few steps towards me as she continued. "The Jedi and the Senate have been working closely together recently, we might meet him and Anakin again."

"And why would I want to meet him?" I asked, crossing my arms.

As the maid finished unpacking and left the room, Padmé answered "You two were inseparable ten years ago. There was obviously something going on between you two."

I sighed. "Padmé, it's been ten years. If anything meant something back then, it doesn't anymore." It was sad to think that way, but it was the best thing to do. I didn't need to get my hopes up for something that could never happen.

"But Aure, he loved you! It was obvious," she insisted with a huge smile on her face.

Containing a smile, I replied "I know." Seeing her confused expression, I doubted for a second before confessing. "He kissed me." I had not told her about that time he had kissed in Naboo before he left. I knew Padmé, and she would have insisted that I should have left with him.

"Really?!" she asked, grinning widely. "Why didn't you go with him, then?"

"Because it's forbidden for a Jedi to love, Padmé." She murmured a soft 'oh', suddenly understanding everything. "Would I leave behind my home, my job and everything to live in a planet that I don't know, for a man that could never love me back, even if he wanted to?" I let out a brief chuckle to make the situation less serious and awkward. "I couldn't. I can't."


The next morning, Padmé left to her meeting at the Senate Chamber. They were going to decide if they should create an army to fight the separatist movement. Padmé was against this idea, she had always prefered the diplomatic solutions.

Meanwhile, I stayed in our shared temporal apartment, checking all the possible entrances for an intrude. Ever since the explosion at the landing platform, I was quite on edge and wary of any possible attack. I was a good lifeguard, I could fight any person that would want to cause any harm to Padmé, but I could not do much against more explosions.

Hours later, Padmé entered the apartment. She didn't have a happy face, so I knew that whatever had been said during the meeting, wasn't to her liking.

"How did it go?" I asked, sitting on the couch with my arms stretched along the backrest.

She sighed. "I can't believe they really want to form an army to fight the separatists! That would be a declaration of war!" She sat down next to me. After a few seconds of silence, I saw her smirk knowingly. "Although, there are also some good news."

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now