~ My Hero ~

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*Obi-Wan's POV*

Anakin had taken the trials already and he became a Jedi Knight. I felt proud of him, but also confused. What would I do now that I didn't have to train him? The Council gave me the answer: They made me a member of the Jedi Council. I was pleased by this, although that meant more hard work.

When I told the news to Aure, she was happier than me. She told me how much I deserved that position in the Council and how proud she was.

Aure and I managed to make our relationship work out. We didn't go to all the missions together anymore; I was usually sent to missions with Anakin and she would go with other Masters. This made me miss her a lot, but when we were back together, we made sure to seize every second.

I had been able to control my feelings; if I hadn't, they could have taken me to the Dark Side. I never let my emotions take over me; anger, jealousy, distrust were feelings that I never felt. The feelings that were many times in my heart when I was with Aure were passion and lust, but those only came out in our apartments, when we were alone at night.

We were always worried about somebody finding out our little secret, somebody discovering our strong feelings, somebody seeing us when we visited each other late at night... I never regretted breaking the Code for her, but I had doubts sometimes because I wasn't behaving like a Jedi. Master Qui-Gon would be so ashamed of me.


I had just arrived from one mission to the Jedi Temple on the afternoon and reported to the Council to see Aure as soon as possible.

That night, when everybody was sleeping at the Temple, I sneaked into Aure's bedroom. Aure and I  had already decided what to do that night and I was very nervous, but I really wanted to do it; I couldn't control myself much longer. It wouldn't be her first time, she had told me, but it was mine and I didn't want to mess up.

When I knocked on her door and she opened it, she was looking at me with a lusty look. I gulped, she was ready for it.

She took my hand and carried me to her bedroom. (I will NOT write anything explicit). And we started. I had been waiting for that night for days, but I didn't know what to do right then. I was totally inexperienced. My heart was beating fast when I reached for her shirt with my shaky hands to take it off her. She smiled lovingly at me and understood that I wasn't sure about how to start, so she was in charge during the whole thing; she knew what to do.

I had never felt like that before, never felt so close to her; skin against skin, hands exploring everywhere, lips kissing and biting. I learned faster than I expected to and I soon found her weakest spots, the places that made her moan and whisper my name. And of course, she found my own weaknesses, making my body react in ways that I didn't know I could.

And then, when the moment came, it was blissful, so intense and so... Perfect. Yes, that's the word: Perfect. A moment so perfect that one or two tears escaped my eyes. We didn't break eye contact while we moved slowly; I didn't want it to end. We fitted together perfectly.

When we finished and we layed exhausted, Aure saw the few tears on my face and kissed them away. Them, she hugged me strongly. We kissed one last time before I whispered "I love you so much." and she fell sleep with a small smile on her face, her body curled against me, her head resting next to mine and our legs tangled under the covers.

I don't think I had ever been so happy about breaking the Code.

*Aure's POV*

I woke up early at morning, next to the love of my life, who was still sleeping. I ran my hands through Obi-Wan's hair. It was shorter now and I liked it much more like that.

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now